Chapter 1: Essentials of Criminal Justice

On June 7, 2021, Alex Murdaugh, a prominent South Carolina attorney, made a distressing 911 call to report the discovery of the lifeless bodies of his wife, Margaret, and their youngest son, Paul, at their family hunting lodge estate in rural Colleton County, South Carolina (Ortiz, 2021). The coroner’s report, released four days later, disclosed that Margaret and Paul had sustained multiple gunshot wounds. The combination of this information and corroborating evidence swiftly led to the arrest of Alex Murdaugh. The case gained widespread national attention due to the prominence of the Murdaugh lawyers in legal circles.
As the police delved into the investigation of Margaret’s and Paul’s murder, they uncovered a web of illegal activities, including the 2018 death of the longtime Murdaugh housekeeper, Gloria Satterfield. The investigation also exposed multiple instances of insurance fraud, money laundering, forgery, and other illicit activities. Collectively, Murdaugh faced over 100 charges in both federal and state courts spanning more than 11 years of illegal activity for the multiple deaths and the theft of over $8 million dollars.
How did Murdaugh manage to evade detection and prosecution of his financial crimes for over a decade? To what extent does economic status, social networks, and race contribute to shaping perceptions of who is likely to be a criminal and who is not?
As you read this chapter, think about the United States (U.S.) criminal justice system and how the processing and sentencing of criminal offenders relates to the administration of justice for the offender, victims, and affected community. Consider ways in which the criminal justice system could be improved.

The impact of the criminal justice system is pervasive in our daily lives as it is intricately woven into the very fabric of society. In addition to maintaining public safety and upholding social order, the system plays a pivotal role in preserving individual rights and cultivating community trust. Its influence extends beyond the realms of security, justice, and equality, leaving an enduring mark on our collective understanding of law, authority, and civic engagement. Whether through the application of the rule of law, the intricacies of due process, or the deterrence of criminal behavior, the reverberations of the criminal justice system are felt across various dimensions of personal and communal existence. A deep comprehension of its complexities is essential for an in-depth understanding of the functioning of society.
This chapter serves as a thorough initiation into the American criminal justice system. We will embark on a chronological journey that will take us on its evolutionary path to meet the dynamic needs of our diverse society. Delving into the historical roots and early philosophical perspectives of crime will lay the necessary groundwork for a nuanced understanding of the U.S. criminal justice system. As we navigate through the chapter, we will unravel different perspectives of justice that shed light on the intricate processes within the criminal justice system.
Acting as a guiding beacon, this chapter will introduce readers to the fundamental components of the criminal justice system. By the chapter’s conclusion, readers will have gained a solid understanding of the key elements that constitute the justice system and will be ready to dive into the subsequent chapters of this textbook.
- Identify the general purpose for the criminal justice system.
- Explain the general structure of the criminal justice system.
- Describe the three primary components of the criminal justice system.
- Recognize the fundamentals of the criminal justice process.
- Explain the basic concept of the phrase “criminal justice conveyor belt.”
- Define the different tiers and discuss the significance of the “wedding cake” model of justice.
- Contrast the different perspectives of criminal justice.
- Discuss the size and scope of the contemporary criminal justice system.
Key Terms
Civil justice
Conflict perspective
Consensus perspective
Crime control
Crime control model
Dark figures
Due process model
Formal sanctions
Individual justice
Individual rights
Informal sanctions
Order maintenance
Social control
Social justice
Social norms
- Chapter opening image: RDNE Stock project by rdne is released under pexel license
- Figure 1.1: Illustration U.S. system of government by NTB Scanpix is released under CC BY-SA 4.0