
11 Conversions Between the Metric and Common Systems

Instructions for Conversions

It’s often necessary to convert between the metric and the common system. Here are the conversions you will need to know for this class:

  • 1 kilogram = 2.21 pounds
  • 1 ounce = 28.35 grams
  • 1 liter = 33.8 fluid ounces
  • 1 teaspoon = 4.93 milliliters

Please be aware that none of these conversions is exact.

We will use factor labeling to make these conversions. We will round our answers to the nearest hundredth after we have completed the conversion.

How many kilograms are in 43 pounds?

43 space p o u n d s space cross times fraction numerator 1 space k i log r a m over denominator 2.21 space p o u n d s end fraction space equals space 19.457 space. space. space. space space k i log r a m s comma space r o u n d e d space t o space 19.46 space k i log r a m s

How many milliliters are in 3 teaspoons?

3 space t e a s p o o n s space cross times space fraction numerator 4.93 space m i l l i l i t e r s over denominator 1 space t e a s p o o n end fraction space equals space 14.79 space m i l l i l i t e r s

Factor labeling is especially useful if you need to use more than one factor. Use the above conversions as “bridges” between one system and the other, and use conversions you have already learned.

How many cups are in one liter?

1 space l i t e r space cross times fraction numerator 33.8 space f l u i d space o u n c e s over denominator 1 space l i t e r end fraction space cross times fraction numerator 1 space c u p over denominator 8 space f l u i d space o u n c e s end fraction space equals space 4.225 space c u p s comma space r o u n d space t o space 4.23 space c u p s

How many grams are in 5 pounds? We can set this up two ways, and get slightly different answers (because, remember, none of the bridge conversions is exact.) Both answers will be considered correct, and will be close enough to work with in the kitchen.

5 space p o u n d s space cross times fraction numerator 1 space k i l o g r a m over denominator 2.21 space p o u n d s end fraction space cross times space fraction numerator 1000 space g r a m s over denominator 1 space k i l o g r a m end fraction space equals space 2262.443 space. space. space. space space g r a m s comma space r o u n d e d space t o space 2262.44 space g r a m s


5 space p o u n d s space cross times space fraction numerator 16 space o u n c e s over denominator 1 space p o u n d end fraction space cross times space fraction numerator 28.35 space g r a m s over denominator 1 space o u n c e end fraction space equals space 2268 space g r a m s

We will use decimals to express all our answers when we convert between the two systems.


To practice making conversions between the common system and the metric system using factor labeling.


By completing this assignment, you will be able to…

  1. Use bridges to convert between the common and the metric system.
  2. Make conversions with more than one step using factor labeling.


To complete this assignment…

  1. Use the relationships you have been given to make the conversions.
  2. Use factor labeling to set up the problems.
  3. Express all answers using decimals. Round the final answer to the nearest hundredth.

Tips for Success

To help in the completion of this assignment, make sure to:

  • Round your answer after you have complete your calculations.
  • Use the bridge relationships to convert between the common and the metric systems.

Conversions Assignment

1) 5.6 kilograms = ______ pounds

2) 12 kilograms = ______ pounds

3) 7.5 pounds = ______ kilograms

4) 36 pounds = ______ kilograms

5) 30 ounces = ______ grams

6) 12.25 ounces = ______ grams

7) 320 grams = ______ ounces

8) 568 grams = ______ ounces

9) 2.5 liters = ______ fluid ounces

10) 1.75 liters = ______ fluid ounces

11) 64 fluid ounces = ______ liters

12) 128 fluid ounces = ______ liters

13) 4 teaspoons = ______ milliliters

14) 1.75 teaspoons = ______ milliliters

15) 18 milliliters = ______ teaspoons

16) 27 milliliters = ______ teaspoons

17) 12 pounds = ______ grams

18) 2.5 kilograms = ______ ounces

19) 3 liters = ______ pints

20) 35 milliliters = ______ tablespoons

21) 500 grams = ______ pounds

22) 76 ounces = ______ kilograms

23) 1 liter = ______ quarts

24) 4 tablespoons = ______ milliliters



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