1 Logging Into Our Online Classroom
At North Seattle College, you’ll need your CTCLink number to log into Canvas. If you don’t have one, check the college website or call the CE office to learn how to apply.
When you log in, you’ll see your dashboard. Look for a square with the name of our class. Double click on it to enter our online classroom.
Our Online Classroom Home
You’ll be on the Home page. In the center of the page, you’ll see a photo and an introduction to the class.
Just to the left, you’ll see a menu bar with a list of classroom places you can visit (Home, Announcements, Modules, Assignments, Discussions, Grades). If you aren’t seeing those, click the box with the vertical lines at the top left.
Farther left, you’ll see the navigation bar with other places you may want to visit (Account, Dashboard, Courses, Calendar, InBox, History, Help).
All the way to the right, you’ll see reminders of upcoming assignments and class meetings.
NOTE: I’m describing how this looks on my PC. If you are logging in on a phone or using the Canvas App, you’ll see the same things, but they may be arranged differently.