
H5P activities list

This book includes 509 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
181Language and Language Use (flashcards)Dialog Cards
182Language Development: Q1-Q4Question Set
183Language Development: Q5-Q7Question Set
184Language Development: Q8-Q12Question Set
185Language Development (flashcards)Dialog Cards
186Language and Thinking: Q1Essay
187Language and Thinking (Flashcards)Dialog Cards
188What Is Intelligence?: Q1-Q3Question Set
189What Is Intelligence?: Q4 (Fill in the Blank)Advanced fill the blanks
190What Is Intelligence?: Q5-Q7Question Set
191What Is Intelligence? (Flashcards)Dialog Cards
192Creativity: Q1-Q2Question Set
193Creativity (Flashcards)Dialog Cards
194Measures of Intelligence: Q1-Q3Question Set
195Measures of Intelligence: Q4-Q6Question Set
196Measures of Intelligence (Flashcards)Dialog Cards
197The Source of Intelligence: Q1-Q6Question Set
198The Source of Intelligence (Flashcards)Dialog Cards
199Encoding: Q1Multiple Choice
200Encoding: Q2Essay
1 8 9 10 11 12 26