37 Evaluating for Credibility

Next, you’ll be evaluating each of the sources that you found relevant.

What are the clues for inferring a source’s credibility? Let’s start with evaluating websites, since we all do so much of our initial research on the open web. But we’ll also include suggestions as to where to find clues relevant to sources in other formats when they differ from what’s good to use with websites. Looking at specific places in the sources will mean you don’t have to read the entire source to determine its worth to you.

By practicing these steps of evaluation, you will develop a routine for assessing sources that will become second nature.

What Used to Help

It used to be easier to draw conclusions about an information source’s credibility, depending on whether it was a print source or a web source. We knew we had to be more careful about information on the open web–simply because all the filters that promoted accuracy involved in the print publishing process were absent from most web publishing. After all, it takes very little money, skill, and responsible intent to put content on the web, compared with what has to be done to convince print publishers that your content is accurate and credible and that they will make money by printing it.

However, many publishers who once provided only print materials have now turned to the web and have brought along their rigorous standards for accuracy. Among them are the publishers of government, university, and scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal websites. Sites for U.S. mainstream news organizations also strive for accuracy rather than persuasion–because they know their readers have traditionally expected it. All in all, more websites now take appropriate care for accuracy than what used to be true on the web.

Nonetheless, it still remains very easy and inexpensive to publish on the web without any of the filters associated with print. So the critical thinking skills you’ll learn here are necessary to determine whether information from open websites is credible enough to suit your purpose.

5 Factors to Consider

Evaluating a website for credibility means considering the five factors below in relation to your purpose for the information. Consider these factors when reviewing information from an open web site for your information need/purpose.

  1. The source’s neighborhood on the web.
  2. Author and/or publisher’s background.
  3. The degree of bias.
  4. Recognition from others.
  5. Thoroughness of the content.

How many factors you consider at any one time depends on your purpose when seeking information. In other words, you’ll consider all five factors when you’re looking for information for a research project or other high-stakes situation where making mistakes amounts to serious consequences. But you might consider only the first three factors at other times.


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Choosing & Using Sources: A Guide to Academic Research Copyright © 2015 by Teaching & Learning, Ohio State University Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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