H5P activities list

This book includes 181 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
161Ch17-The Major Types of Foodborne IllnessFlashcards
162Ch17-The Causes of Food ContaminationFlashcards
163Exercise 17.3 Describe the major types and causes of foodborne illness and contaminationDrag and Drop
164Ch17-Protecting The Public HealthFlashcards
165Ch17-The Food SystemFlashcards
166Ch17-Food PreservationFlashcards
167Exercise 17.1 Describe the purpose and process of food irradiationDrag and Drop
168Ch17-Food ProcessingFlashcards
169Ch17-The Effect of New TechnologiesFlashcards
170Ch17-Efforts on the Consumer Level: What You Can DoFlashcards
171Exercise 17.2 Describe consumer-level techniques for avoiding foodborne illnessDrag and Drop
172Ch18-Comparing DietsFlashcards
173Exercise 18.1 Describe the different types of dietsDrag and Drop
174Ch18-Nutrition, Health, and DiseaseFlashcards
175Exercise 18.2 Describe the relationship between nutrition and healthDrag and Drop
176Ch18-Threats to HealthFlashcards
177Ch18-Undernutrition, Overnutrition, and MalnutritionFlashcards
178Exercise 18.3 Match the term to the correct descriptionDrag and Drop
179Ch18-Food InsecurityFlashcards
180Ch18-Careers in NutritionFlashcards
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