
6 Computer Memory and You

Computer memory can help you a lot. But it only works if you know how to find what you stored on the computer! Your own human memory is the key to unlocking your computer’s memory.

    • You need to organize information on a computer:
      •  files
      • directories
      • volumes
  • Pick meaningful names.
  • Put things that belong together in the same place – use a system that makes sense to you.
  • Put frequently accessed items in easy places to find (like on your Desktop).
  • Move other items to long-term storage.
  • Delete things you do not need anymore. This saves storage, but more importantly, it saves you time when you try to find things.

Here is an article with more tips: https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/4-steps-decluttering-your-computer-files-0210