Art of Discomfort

Avery McKenney

Personal Statement

I think that there is beauty in discomfort. Art is meant to be interpreted however you like. But I named this piece because I think it’s an important lesson for us all. Animals, plants, and the earth, they all adapt to surroundings: plants grow where they might now be expected to grow, or where it might not be a social normal, flowers grow wherever they are planted, wherever they are placed, wherever they are dropped. And they make something non-interesting beautiful – these components coming together, in a non-traditional way, make it art. Art is meant to be unique.

Photo of plants coming through rock with flower and bug


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The Lion's Pride, Vol. 17 Copyright © 2024 by Avery McKenney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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