
Chapitre Quatre

Irregular -IR Verbs

Exercice 4.12

Irregular -IR Verbs

We have learned the conjugation for regular -IR verbs in the previous chapter, and we have seen some irregular -IR verbs throughout the book. We are going to break down irregular -IR verbs into three basic categories that will help us recognize them and conjugate them properly. Each model verb is conjugated for you as an example and a list of verbs that follow that pattern follows.

Verbs like partir – note the stem is different in singular vs plural

partir—to leave

  Singular Plural
1st person je pars nous partons
2nd person tu pars vous partez
3rd person il part

elle part

on part

ils partent

elles partent



Verbs like découvrir – note: conjugate like -ER verbs

découvrir—to discover

  Singular Plural
1st person je découvre nous découvrons
2nd person tu découvres vous découvrez
3rd person il découvre

elle découvre

on découvre

ils découvrent

elles découvrent


Verbs like venir – note: the stem is different in the “boot”

venir—to come

  Singular Plural
1st person je viens nous venons
2nd person tu viens vous venez
3rd person il vient

elle vient

on vient

ils viennent

elles viennent


Exercice 4.12




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