
Chapitre Deux

Chapter Introduction & Pre-Chapter Activity

Before beginning this chapter, it is important to recognize which skills and tasks you will be expected to learn to perform. Do you already have some previous skills or knowledge in these areas that you can use to your advantage? Are there any topics that you foresee being difficult? If so, it is a good idea to pursue additional assistance to get ahead of any potential issues. You are the master of your education—you have the power to take ownership of your learning!

After completing this chapter, I will be able to:

  • Distinguish between the different subject pronouns.
  • Produce written and spoken sentences describing myself and others using the verb être (to be) and adjectives that describe personality and physical characteristics.
  • Employ the use of numbers between 0 and 100 to ask and answer questions.
  • Express possession using the verb avoir.
  • Produce written and spoken sentences describing myself and others using the verb être (to be) and adjectives that describe conditions, emotions, feelings, and colors.
  • Describe the location of places on campus in relation to one another.
  • Discuss the world around me using the calendar, clock, and expressions for weather.
  • Test my theories and assumptions about French by using the language even when I am uncertain whether I am using it correctly.

Pre-chapter activity


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