Chapitre Cinq
Time Expressions for the passé composé
Exercice 5.26 - 5.27
Time Expressions for the passé composé
Le passé composé is used to discuss events in the past that were one-time occurrences, interrupting actions, or actions confined to a specific time period. For this reason, the expressions below will elicit the use of the passé composé.
This is not an exhaustive list, but is a good list of common time-related expressions that lend themselves well to the passé composé. Remember that passé composé is used for one-time actions or actions confined to a specific time period. There is a different tense called l’imparfait that is used for repeated or habitual actions. We will learn this a bit later on.
In general, time frame indicators (such as several words in this list) go either at the beginning or the end of a sentence.
- Hier soir, j’ai regardé Netflix chez moi.
- J’ai regardé Netflix chez moi hier soir.
- En 2018, j’ai commencé à travailler.
- J’ai commencé à travailler en 2018.
Modèles :
Ma famille et moi, nous sommes allés à Disneyland en 1989.
Ma nièce a appris à faire du vélo le week-end passé/le week-end dernier.
Exercice 5.26
Exercice 5.27
yesterday evening
the day before yesterday
(x amount of time ago: duration)
(for x amount of time: moment)
in the past
the first time
the other day
this morning
this afternoon
this evening
in (2012); this can be used with a month or a year
all of a sudden; suddenly
after that
I watched
at home
about it/them; some; of it/them ("en" generally replaces "de"+noun)
I started
to work
my family
we went
my niece
to ride a bike
last weekend
last weekend