
Chapitre Cinq

Forming Common Adverbs

Exercice 5.30

Forming Common Adverbs

Adverbs allow us to express how something is done—politely, quickly, sincerely, freely, etc—and they enrich our sentences. In English, many adverbs end in the suffix -ly. The French corresponding ending is -ment.

Note: While adjectives modify nouns, adverbs modify verbs, adverbs, and adjectives (and they are nice because they don’t have to agree in gender or number!). We have frequently seen and used irregular adverbs of judgment bien (from the adjective bon) and mal (from the adjective mauvais).

As we are building adverbs in French, we have to account for a few variations on the -ment ending. Here are some brief rules to get you started building adverbs from adjectives:


Remember that we have seen and used many adverbs which are not built from adjectives; in fact, there are times when an entire phrase functions as an adverb. Let’s revisit some common adverbs that are not built from adjectives (many of these are adverbs of frequency, adverbs of quantity, or adverbs of time):


Another important aspect of incorporating adverbs into our sentences involves proper placement. As a general rule, short adverbs and adverbs of frequency go as close to the verb as possible (after the verb).

As a general rule, long adverbs go at the beginning or the end of sentences.

When we are using the future proche or building two-verb constructions, most adverbs will go after the infinitive or at the beginning of the sentence. However, frequently used adverbs such as bien, souvent, beaucoup, and mal, will come between the conjugated verb and the infinitive.

Au passé composé, most adverbs are placed at the end of the sentence. However, frequently used adverbs such as bien, souvent, beaucoup, and mal, will come between the conjugated verb and the participle.


Exercice 5.30



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