
Chapitre Deux

Le verbe avoir

Exercice 2.17 - 2.20

La liaison: when a word begins with a vowel, if the previous word ends in a consonant, the sound carries over and impacts the pronunciation. For example, while the “s” in ils is generally silent, when it comes before a vowel, it will be pronounced as a “z.” Ils ont. When a nasal such as on comes before a vowel, the “n” is pronounced. On a. The liaison is obligatory, and mastering it is essential to your speaking and understanding of spoken French. Other common expressions where we see the liaison:

Comment allez-vous?

Mon ami.e 

avoir – to have

  Singular Plural
1st person j’ ai nous avons
2nd person tu as vous avez
3rd person il a

elle a

on a

ils ont

elles ont


The verb avoir is used a lot in French. It is used to discuss possession:

It is also used to discuss age and certain states of being, such as hunger, thirst, and sleepiness.

Anne a beaucoup de devoirs.
Marie n’a pas de devoirs.

Exercice 2.17

Exercice 2.18

Exercice 2.19

Exercice 2.20

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