
Chapitre Un

À l’université

À l’université

Work with a partner to determine the correct article for each of these vocabulary words—use a pencil (in case you need to modify your answer). Then, we will check them together as a class and discuss the meaning of each word. After each word, masculin or féminin will be added to clarify if the word is masculine or feminine.

____ crayon (m.)

____ calculatrice (f.)

 ____ ordinateur (m.)

____ cahier (m.)

____ dictionnaire (m.)

____ stylo (m.)

____ livre (m.)

____ carte (f.)

____ marqueur (m.)

____ surligneur (m.)

____ pupitre (m.)

____ table (f.)

____ sac à dos (m.)

____ papier (m.)

____ tableau (m.)

____ horloge (f.)

____ chaise (f.)

____ portable (m.)

____ classe (f.)

____ édifice (m.)

____ cafétéria (f.)

____ librairie (f.)

____ bibliothèque (f.)

____ gymnase (m.)

____ centre des services étudiants (m.)



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