
Chapitre Un

Gender and Number: La pluralisation

Exercices 1.18-1.21

Gender and Number: Pluralization

Before putting this new vocabulary to use, let’s look at how to make words plural in French. In addition to pluralizing the noun itself, the article must ALSO be pluralized.

le or la or l' becomes les

un or une becomes des

In general, add –s.

Le livre becomes … les livres

La pomme becomes… les pommes

Un pupitre becomes… des pupitres

Une table becomes… des tables

If a word ends in “x,” leave it as “x.” If a word ends in “s,” leave it as “s.”

Le prix becomes… les prix

La voix becomes… les voix

L’ atlas becomes… les atlas

L’ ananas becomes… les ananas

If a word ends in “al,” generally the plural is formed by changing it to “aux.”

Mon père lit le journal. Les journaux arrivent à 5 heures du matin.

Mon frère est un étudiant international. Tous ses amis sont des étudiants internationaux.

If a word ends in “eau,” “eu,” or “au,” generally the plural is formed by adding “x.”

Ce château est le plus grand de tous les châteaux.

Mon neveu Luc est brun, mais mes neveux Paul et Charles sont blonds.

Some common exceptions

Exercice 1.18

Exercice 1.19

Exercice 1.20

Exercice 1.21

Audio 1.b



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