Chapitre Un
Les articles définis et indéfinis (Gender & Number)
Gender and Number
In French, all nouns have grammatical “gender.” Nouns may be “masculine” or “feminine,” but unless it is a living, breathing creature, grammatical gender is totally arbitrary.
When we refer to “number,” we are talking about whether the noun is singular or plural.
Les articles définis
- Definite articles are used when you have a specific item in mind.
- The English equivalent is “the.”
- In French, there is a “the” for each singular gender and a shared “the” for plural:
Both le and la become l’ before a vowel – l’ami / l’amie
Je vais à la bibliothèque parce que je veux trouver un bon livre.
Les articles indéfinis
- Indefinite articles are used when you do not have a specific item in mind.
- The English equivalent is “a” for singular nouns and “some” for plural nouns.
- In French, there is an indefinite article for each singular gender the plural is shared.
Je vais au marchand de fruits pour acheter des pommes.
Media Attributions
- Library © Stewart Butterfield is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license
- Apples © 1sock is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives) license
Definite articles
Masculine singular definite article: the
the professor
Feminine singular definite article: the
the professor
used before a vowel or an h to replace le or la: the
the friend
the friend
this pronoun has different meanings depending on its function:
plural definite article: the
direct object: them
the animals
I go/I am going
to the library
I want
to find
Masculine singular indefinite article: a/an
Indefinite articles
Feminine singular indefinite article: a/an
Plural indefinite article: some
friends (male or mixed group)
friends (group of all females)
to the fruit stand/the fruit vendor
to buy