Chapitre Trois
-IR Verbs
Exercice 3.20 - 3.21
-IR Verbs
Another category of verbs in French are -IR verbs. While there are many irregular verbs within this group of verbs, here is the basic pattern for conjugating a large number of -IR verbs. Remember, the best way to learn these verbs is to recognize them in conversation and use them in context!
To conjugate regular –IR verbs in the present tense, take off the –IR and add the appropriate ending, based on the subject (the do-er of the action) and whether it is 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person singular or plural.
-IR verbs
-IR regular verb endings
Singular | Plural | |
1st person | je –is | nous –issons |
2nd person | tu –is | vous –issez |
3rd person | il –it
elle –it on –it |
ils –issent
elles –issent |
The ending for 1st person singular is “-is.”
The ending for 2nd person singular is “-is.”
The ending for 3rd person singular is “-it.”
The ending for 1st person plural is “-issons.”
The ending for 2nd person plural is “-issez.”
The ending for 3rd person plural is “-issent.”
choisir—to choose
Singular | Plural | |
1st person | je choisis | nous choisissons |
2nd person | tu choisis | vous choisissez |
3rd person | il choisit
elle choisit on choisit |
ils choisissent
elles choisissent |
obéir à—to obey
Singular | Plural | |
1st person | j’obéis | nous obéissons |
2nd person | tu obéis | vous obéissez |
3rd person | il obéit
elle obéit on obéit |
ils obéissent
elles obéissent |
finir—to finish
Singular | Plural | |
1st person | je finis | nous finissons |
2nd person | tu finis | vous finissez |
3rd person | il finit
elle finit on finit |
ils finissent
elles finissent |
*Certain verbs such as sortir, dormir, and partir are irregular, but follow a general pattern.
sortir*—to go out
Singular | Plural | |
1st person | je sors | nous sortons |
2nd person | tu sors | vous sortez |
3rd person | il sort
elle sort on sort |
ils sortent
elles sortent |
dormir*—to sleep
Singular | Plural | |
1st person | je dors | nous dormons |
2nd person | tu dors | vous dormez |
3rd person | il dort
elle dort on dort |
ils dorment
elles dorment |
partir*—to leave
Singular | Plural | |
1st person | je pars | nous partons |
2nd person | tu pars | vous partez |
3rd person | il part
elle part on part |
ils partent
elles partent |
Modèles :
Paul a besoin de finir ses devoirs avant de jouer avec ses amis.
Je choisis toujours le pop-corn quand je vais au cinéma.
Sarah et Adèle sortent souvent le week-end.
Exercice 3.20
Exercice 3.21

Media Attributions
- two friends is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license
- watching tv is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license