
Chapitre Quatre

La famille

Exercice 4.15 - 4.18

La famille

For all female groups, use the feminine plural



To speak about stepfamily, use the beau/belle form (in French, there is no difference between “in-law” and “step”)

beau-père / belle-mère

For former partners, use ex

ex-copain / ex-copine
ex-époux / ex-épouse
mon ex

For half siblings, use the prefix demi-



For same sex couples, use the masculine plural for men and the feminine plural for women

les époux / les copains

les épouses / les copines

Être en couple and être ensemble may be used by anyone: Marc et Luc sont ensemble.

Exercice 4.15

A man and a woman holding the hands of a child
A woman posing for a photo with a little boy and a little girl who have matching shirts
An older woman with white hair sitting in a lawn chair next to a young adult with blue hair and a young child
Three young adults of similar age posing for a photo in dressy clothes, one identifies as female and the other two as male
A group of college-age males in casual clothes

Exercice 4.16

Exercice 4.17

Exercice 4.18

Audio 4.b



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