Chapitre Un
Les salutations et les adieux
Exercice 1.1-1.5
You may click on the words below to see their English equivalent.
Les salutations
In Canada, you might also hear Bon matin and Bon après-midi

Exercice 1.1

Exercice 1.2
Tu versus Vous
In French, there are two ways to address someone as you. There is a formal you, vous, and informal you, tu.
- Vous is used when you want to address someone with respect. Vous is often used with elders, professionals, people in positions of authority, or strangers.
- Vous is for the plural form as well, when you are talking directly to two or more people.
- Tu is used with children, peers, and people with whom you are quite familiar. Some families use tu with parents and grandparents but others do not.
Some countries speak more formally or informally than others. Listen to people around you and use your instincts. Don’t worry if you do not use the best option with someone. They will know you are learning.
Worst case scenario, someone might correct you. I have never known anyone to be offended by a learner.
Listen for context to the song: “Dites-moi tu” by Karpatt
Exercice 1.3
Poli ou familier ? Look at the picture and its corresponding description below. Select tu or vous depending on whether you would treat that person formally or informally and drag the appropriate word to each picture. Words can be used more than once.
- A woman who is in her sixties and is in a professional setting
- A child playing at the park
- A student working on homework
- A doctor in a lab coat standing in front of high-tech equipment
Exercice 1.4
Exercice 1.5
Media Attributions
- Goodbye hugs © Simon King is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license
- Phone Call © Mirko is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license
Hello, good day
Good evening
How's it going? (informal)
How's it going? (formal)
How are you doing? (informal)
How's it going?
What's new?
Good morning (Canada)
Good afternoon (Canada)
I'm doing well
(Very) well
All is well
(Very) poorly
And you? (informal)
And you? (formal)
Thank you
You're welcom
I am sorry
See you soon
Until next time
See you tomorrow
See you Friday
See you later
Good luck
Take care of yourself (formal)
Take care of yourself (informal)
Thank you, (to) you as well (formal)
Thank you, (to) you as well (informal)