
Chapitre Cinq

Chapter Introduction and Pre-Chapter Activity: Chapter 5

Before beginning this chapter, it is important to recognize which skills and tasks you will be expected to learn to perform. Do you already have some previous skills or knowledge in these areas that you can use to your advantage? Are there any topics that you foresee being difficult? If so, it is a good idea to pursue additional assistance to get ahead of any potential issues. You are the master of your education—you have the power to take ownership of your learning!

After completing this chapter, I will be able to:

  • Recognize and produce vocabulary related to food.
  • Discuss meals using the verbs prendredéjeunerdîner, and manger.
  • Anticipate common expressions that are likely to be used in restaurants where French is spoken.
  • Use metric measurements and common quantity expressions to talk about food.
  • Manipulate sentences to avoid repetition in conversation using en and direct object pronouns.
  • Describe my professional goals.
  • Incorporate special uses of avoir with common expressions.
  • Assess situations to determine whether the verb être or the verb avoir should be used.
  • Use the passé composé with avoir to talk about completed actions in the past.
  • Build descriptive adverbs by adding suffixes: -ment, -amment, and-emment

Pre-chapter activity


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