
Chapitre Deux

Chapter 2 Reflection

Before moving on to Chapter 3, reflect upon what you can do with the language. Check off all of the things on the list below that you can do.

For any actions you cannot yet do, review the topic and seek out additional resources such as tutoring, extra help from your instructor, online materials, etc.

After completing this chapter, I can:

  • Distinguish between the different subject pronouns.
  • Produce written and spoken sentences describing myself and others using the verb être (to be) and adjectives that describe personality and physical characteristics.
  • Employ the use of numbers between 0 and 100 to ask and answer questions.
  • Express possession using the verb avoir.
  • Produce written and spoken sentences describing myself and others using the verb être (to be) and adjectives that describe conditions, emotions, feelings, and colors.
  • Describe the location of places on campus in relation to one another.
  • Discuss the world around me using the calendar, clock, and expressions for weather.
  • Test my theories and assumptions about French by using the language even when I am uncertain whether I am using it correctly.

On réfléchit aux objectifs!

Goal setting. Première étape: As we are working to be our best language learners, we need to regularly check in on our progress toward our goals. Use the questions below to reflect upon the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the chapter.

My two short-term goals were:

Short-Term Goal 1:

Did you follow your action plan?

In what way(s)?

What worked? What didn’t work?

Check the blank below that applies to your current status regarding this goal:

  • _______ I have achieved this goal
  • _______ I made progress toward this goal
  • _______ I have not made progress toward this goal and should make a revision to my goal or my action plan

Short-Term Goal 2:

Did you follow your action plan?

In what way(s)?

What worked? What didn’t work?

Check the blank below that applies to your current status regarding this goal:

  • _______ I have achieved this goal
  • _______ I made progress toward this goal
  • _______ I have not made progress toward this goal and should make a revision to my goal or my action plan.

My one long-term goal was:

Did you follow your action plan?

In what way(s)?

What worked? What didn’t work?

Check the blank below that applies to your current status regarding this goal:

  • _______ I have achieved this goal
  • _______ I made progress toward this goal
  • _______ I have not made progress toward this goal and should make a revision to my goal or my action plan.

What do you currently feel is your greatest strength with French? What do you attribute this success to? Is there something you are doing in this area that you could apply to weaker areas?


On réfléchit aux objectifs!

Goal setting. Deuxième étape: Before moving on to the next chapter, take a moment to update your goals and/or action plans. It is okay to keep goals that you set for yourself previously if you are still working toward them.

My two short-term goals with action plans:

My one long-term goal with an action plan:

Study strategies I find useful:

New study strategies I could try:


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