My Neighborhood Monica Perez-Pineda – x, Alistair Shmelev – x and Ibrahim Elsakhawy
Monica Perez-Pineda; Alistair Shmelev; and Ibrahim Elsakhawy
When I moved to the United States, I dreamed about the place that I would call my home. For many years we were looking for the right place, and finally, a few years ago, we could buy a house in a lovely neighborhood in Sammamish. Sometimes I see some disadvantages of my neighborhood although we really like to live here.
If you ask me what things I like of my neighborhood, I can give you many reasons. For example, the academic level of public schools is one of the best in the area, and as a parent of two kids, it is important for me. Other thing that I really like in our neighborhood is the diversity in our community and the cultural enrichment that this brings like when we celebrate Diwali with my neighbors. Also, my neighborhood is a very safe place. I really like to walk with my kids on the nearby trails or even through the streets.
They are some things that I don’t like in my neighborhood. For instance, we don’t have any malls. If you need to buy something you have to drive to Redmond or Issaquah, and that is the same is for restaurants or entertainment. And sometime driving gets complicated because of traffic.
By Monica Perez-Pineda