My Neighborhood
Varduhi Nemishalyan and Alistair Shmelev
Moving to a new place for me is not good. In my life, I moved to a new place one time. Already one year I have lived in Kirkland. I like and dislike different things. However, in my neighborhood there are more comfortable things than uncomfortable things.
There are a lot of things I can feel comfortable with in my neighborhood. For example, my house is located near Lake Washington, and I can go to the lake in just 15 minutes. I sit in front of the lake and enjoy my coffee.
There are also some things I feel uncomfortable with. My neighborhood is located near a community center. When in the morning at 7:00 am people cpme there, they make noises. I wake up early from their car’s lights, and that makes me nervous. Also, there aren’t any shopping centers like Target and etc. If I want to go to a restaurant with my family, we must go to Kirkland downtown or Bellevue.
My neighborhood has good and bad things. But not everything is bad. I am happy that I can have good emotion around me in my neighborhood.
By Varduhi Nemishalyan