
Stories from Advanced ELL Students

Stories in this section were written by students in ELL 65, taught by Kelly Cover-Tam and Corinne Tubbs. Students were given the writing prompt of a place in nature that you enjoy.

Our students this quarter wrote about a place in nature that they enjoy. Our idea was simply to connect the writing piece to the landscape illustrations that the art students would be creating. When we assigned this topic, I couldn’t have imagined the incredible stories that we would receive. From a person’s own backyard here in Washington all the way to a park in Kiev, Ukraine, students wrote stories about the important places in their lives. Through these stories, we can get a peek into the world of these authors, who they are, and what matters to them. I’m grateful that our students are willing to share this piece of themselves, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have.

Kelly Cover-Tam, Professor English Language Learning and Basic Education and Department Chair I-BEST

The goal of this collaboration of ELL and art students was not only to practice their writing and art skills, but also to make connections that wouldn’t have otherwise been made. How often do two great programs get the chance to interact? Through this project, we learned about faraway places that are close to our students’ hearts, as well as local places and how our students felt the first time they saw them. Then we watched as the art students brought the stories to life. This book is truly a piece of LWTech history!

Corinne Tubbs, Professor English Language Learning and Basic Education


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Stories from Our Lives: LWTech English Language Students in Words and Images, Volume 3 Copyright © 2023 by Lake Washington Institute of Technology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.