My Neighborhood


We moved to the US 3 months ago, and when we arrived here, we tried to find our new home as quickly as we could. And we found a lovely house. In general, I like the neighborhood where we live, but of course there is something that does not quite suit me. Moreover, my parents chose the house. And after living in it for a while, I realized what I would pay attention to when choosing my own apartment. But still, I really like our neighborhood, despite the fact that it does not quite suit my age.

First of all, I want to write about things I like about my neighborhood. I like that my neighborhood is quiet. Now it’s important for me because I live with my parents, and we lived here for such a short time, and I have no friends. Also, I like that we have very friendly neighbors, they are so kind, and it was a big surprise for me. And I want to mention that our neighborhood is very clean I really love it, it’s important for me.

Also, I need to write about some things I don’t like. I don’t like that there are no interesting places in our neighborhood. It’s important for me because I’m young, and I want to see as much as I can see. I want to try tasty food and visit some art spaces. I don’t like that our neighborhood is not so beautiful. I don’t know how to explain, but I hope you understand what I mean. I saw so many lovely neighborhoods, and when I compare, I see the difference.

In conclusion, I can say that my neighborhood is pretty cool. I like it with all these drawbacks. This is our first place here that we can call our home. It so important for people who leave their home country.


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