The Person I Admire

Hoa Truong

I admire my cousin. He’s from France. He’s so smart, he’s intelligent man.

He’s so smart. I could never believe that he could speak nine languages. He works in Google Company, the big famous company in the world. Probably his job sometimes requires him to travel to other countries. He couldn’t stay long time in those countries. He’s a PR so he always flies to other places.  It just takes him 2 or 3 years every country to be able to have a conversation fluently. His nationally language is French, and he lived in Italy several years, so that he knows Italian too. His parents are from China, so he also knows Chinese, Teochew and Cantonese. Of course he knows English. Arabic, Spanish, Malaysian, Portuguese are the other languages that he speaks. Do you think he is smarter than others? He always fly so I didn’t know where is he now.

I admire him because he is smart. He’s my relative. His parents and all of the relatives are very proud of him, so I hope to meet him soon in the future. And I have never met or known anyone like him in my life.



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The Person I Admire Copyright © 2024 by Hoa Truong is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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