My Neighborhood

Anna Wu

A few years ago, we moved to Redmond for our children education. I was a little worried about our new neighborhood. I don’t feel comfortable doing anything. It doesn’t feel like my real home. After a long time, I found there are many things I like and a few things I dislike about neighborhood. But now, I am excited to live here.

Let me tell you why I love my neighborhood. There is a garden and playground. My son can play basketball with his friends. I can walk and watch them. Everything around looks so good. Another reason, my neighborhood has a WhatsApp group. I am never worried when I travel on vacation. I only need to send a massage to this group. My neighbors can help me to watch over my home. We also often share a lot of information. It is very good. Neighbors are friendly and warm hearted.

My neighborhood has two things I don’t like. There is no large name brand shopping center and subway. Shopping and public transport aren’t convenient. I do not like driving. It is very inconvenient for me.

Although my neighborhood has drawbacks, for me, safety is an important thing. I am very satisfied living here. It is a safe and quiet place. Now in my heart, here is my real home.


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My Neighborhood Copyright © 2024 by Anna Wu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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