The Person I Admire


I have so many incredible people in my life that I can write about. I can write about my mom or my dad, but I want to write about my boyfriend. I just want to thank him with this essay. The person I admire is my boyfriend. Не has been for almost 5 years in my life and he makes me happy. He helps me believe in myself more and more every day. He is also optimistic and can find something good even in the most difficult situation.

First, he showed me how I can love myself. He proved that I could do anything. When about a year ago I was studying to be a web designer and was already writing a diploma, things didn’t go well. I didn’t understand what I had to do, and I thought I didn’t know enough to create a beautiful work. And he was so surprised when I told him that, he couldn’t understand why I thought so about myself, because he knew that I was talented and diligent, and I would definitely succeed. That’s when I realized that he sees everything in me that I don’t notice in myself and believes in me as if I could even fly into space. It is very important to know how strong, talented, beautiful, and kind I am. I think about it every day, and when I think about it, I always remember that he taught me that.

Second, when I met him in 2019, I thought that he was very funny and didn’t care about anything. But when we started dating, I saw that he was smart because he chose to see this world as gorgeous. Sometimes I think that it’s impossible in different difficult situations, but he proves the opposite every time. That’s why I admire him, that’s why I love him so much. Maybe I’ll never be able to see the good in everything. But still, he will be in my life, and he will always do it for the two of us.

In conclusion, I want to say that I am very grateful to him for the good influence he has on me. I will always admire him because one day he proved to me that I can do whatever I want and he continues to believe in me. Sometimes it seems to me that he sees this world as too beautiful and kind, but I know he’s right.


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The Person I Admire Copyright © 2024 by Sofya is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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