The Person I Admire

Anibal Batista Arroyo

The person I admire, and I am grateful for is my brother Rafael. He has helped me become the person I am now. My brother Rafael has impacted my life with his courage, discipline and hard work to move forward.

First my brother Rafael had the courage at the age of 21 to join the U. S. army in 1999. He got stationed in Folk Polk, Louisiana where he served four years before separating in 2003.

Second, he later re-enlisted in the U.S. Navy where he served an additional 17 years of military duty. While working abroad he supported us since we were a low-income family. One of his long-term dreams was to buy a home. In 2014, he was finally able to accomplish one of his main goals by buying a house in Washington State. He later brought my parents to live with him in the new home. He recently retired from the United States Armed Forces after completing a total of 21 years of honorable services.


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The Person I Admire Copyright © 2024 by Anibal Batista Arroyo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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