
The Person I Admire

Galina Akhmetchina

I would like to introduce my grandmother as a person I admire. She showed how difficulties can be a positive start to something new in life. However, my grandmother Lyudmila showed me how to become strong and have respect at work.

First, my grandmother Lyudmila showed me that studying is a necessary tool in our lives. She studied in difficult years in Russia and already had 2 children, but her positive thinking and thirst for knowledge helped her become the best specialist in the field of engineering.

The second thing she showed me was that it is important to have respect at work. With her work and respect for people, she became a good leader of a team of professionals in the development of pumping systems around the world. When I was little, I often came to my grandmother’s work and saw how she interacted with her colleagues. I liked her ability to communicate with people, and I saw respect from other people for her.

In conclusion, I would like to say that my grandmother Lyudmila taught me to treat people with respect and be a strong person. I am grateful that I have my grandmother Lyudmila.


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