Chapter 8 : Drill Presses

This chapter will explain how to operate a drill press in a safe manner as well as point out some of the potential hazards. It will also describe and illustrate standard tools, holding solutions, and machine operations. Once this chapter is successfully completed, students will be ready to safely operate a drill press and perform basic hole-making operations.
- Identify and address the safety concerns of operating a drill press.
- Identify drill press components and define their function.
- Identify and select tooling for use on a drill press.
- Calculate the speed and feed of hole-making tools.
- Identify and select tool-holding and work-holding devices.
- Describe and perform proper setup solutions.
- List and describe various hole-making operations performed on a drill press.
- Base
- Column
- Head
- Table
- Motor
- Pulleys
- Spindle
- Quill
- Quill Stop
- Morse taper
- Drill chuck
- Jacobs taper
- Parallels
- Center finder
- Center Drill
- Spot holes
- Spot Drill
- Twist Drill
- Shank
- Flute
- Margin
- Body Clearance
- Web
- Chisel point
- Cutting edge
- Heel
- Reamer
- Tap
- Countersink
- Counterbore
- Spindle Speed
- Feed Rate
- Drill Press vise
- Clamp
- Drilling
- Reaming
- Tapping
- Countersinking
- Counterboring