Practice Exercise Answers

Morgan Chase

In the current edition of Technical Mathematics: Applications for the Applied Environmental Sciences, all practice exercises are taken directly from Technical Mathematics, Second Edition by Morgan Chase at Clackamas Community College.

0.1 Order of Operations

  1. [latex]7[/latex]
  2. [latex]13[/latex]
  3. [latex]7[/latex]
  4. [latex]13[/latex]
  5. [latex]2[/latex]
  6. [latex]8[/latex]
  7. [latex]18[/latex]
  8. [latex]6[/latex]
  9. [latex]25[/latex]
  10. [latex]49[/latex]
  11. [latex]80[/latex]
  12. [latex]31[/latex]
  13. [latex]28[/latex]
  14. [latex]67[/latex]
  15. [latex]22[/latex]
  16. [latex]4[/latex]
  17. [latex]160[/latex]
  18. [latex]19[/latex]
  19. [latex]2[/latex]
  20. [latex]12[/latex]
  21. [latex]40[/latex]
  22. [latex]200[/latex]
  23. [latex]2[/latex]
  24. [latex]14[/latex]
  25. [latex]9\cdot2+30=48[/latex]°F
  26. [latex](72-30)\div2=21[/latex]°C



0.2 Negative Numbers

  1. [latex]5[/latex]
  2. [latex]5[/latex]
  3. [latex]-15[/latex]
  4. [latex]-22[/latex]
  5. [latex]4[/latex]
  6. [latex]-4[/latex]
  7. [latex]-9[/latex]
  8. [latex]9[/latex]
  9. [latex]18[/latex]°F
  10. [latex]3[/latex]
  11. [latex]-200[/latex]
  12. [latex]3[/latex]
  13. [latex]-3[/latex]
  14. [latex]-7[/latex]
  15. [latex]-7[/latex]
  16. [latex]7[/latex]
  17. [latex]7[/latex]
  18. [latex]3[/latex]
  19. [latex]-3[/latex]
  20. [latex]55[/latex]
  21. [latex]55[/latex]
  22. [latex]11,123\text{ ft}[/latex]
  23. [latex]543\text{ ft}[/latex]
  24. [latex]-12[/latex]
  25. [latex]-40[/latex]
  26. [latex]18[/latex]
  27. [latex]21[/latex]
  28. [latex]4[/latex]
  29. [latex]-8[/latex]
  30. [latex]16[/latex]
  31. [latex]-32[/latex]
  32. [latex]-7[/latex]
  33. [latex]-4[/latex]
  34. [latex]9[/latex]
  35. [latex]0[/latex]
  36. [latex]0[/latex]
  37. undefined
  38. [latex]19[/latex]
  39. [latex]-73[/latex]
  40. [latex]1[/latex]
  41. [latex]-6[/latex]
  42. [latex]-8[/latex]
  43. [latex]40[/latex]



0.4 Decimals

  1. [latex]90.23[/latex]
  2. [latex]7.056[/latex]
  3. [latex]16.55[/latex]
  4. [latex]184.015[/latex]
  5. [latex]8.28[/latex]
  6. [latex]15.756[/latex]
  7. [latex]4,147[/latex]
  8. [latex]414.7[/latex]
  9. [latex]41.47[/latex]
  10. [latex]4.147[/latex]
  11. [latex]65,625[/latex]
  12. [latex]65.625[/latex]
  13. [latex]6.5625[/latex]
  14. [latex]$656.25[/latex]
  15. [latex]243.5[/latex]
  16. [latex]2,435[/latex]
  17. [latex]243,500[/latex]
  18. [latex]24.35[/latex]
  19. [latex]6,000[/latex]
  20. [latex]6,380[/latex]
  21. [latex]0.71[/latex]
  22. [latex]0.715[/latex]
  23. [latex]$3.67[/latex] per month
  24. [latex]7.5[/latex] miles per hour



0.3 Fractions

  1. [latex]\frac{11}{30}[/latex]
  2. [latex]\frac{19}{30}[/latex]
  3. [latex]\frac{12}{15}[/latex]
  4. [latex]\frac{8}{12}/[/latex]
  5. [latex]7[/latex]
  6. [latex]1[/latex]
  7. [latex]0[/latex]
  8. undefined
  9. [latex]\frac{3}{4}[/latex]
  10. [latex]\frac{5}{3}[/latex]
  11. [latex]2[/latex]
  12. [latex]\frac{1}{2}[/latex]
  13. [latex]\frac{5}{12}[/latex]
  14. [latex]1[/latex]
  15. at least [latex]45[/latex] questions
  16. [latex]16[/latex]
  17. [latex]\frac{3}{5}[/latex]
  18. [latex]6[/latex] scoops
  19. A requires [latex]\frac{1}{12}[/latex] cup more than B
  20. [latex]\frac{1}{2}[/latex] of the pizza
  21. [latex]\frac{2}{3}[/latex] more
  22. [latex]\frac{5}{8}[/latex] inches combined
  23. [latex]\frac{1}{8}[/latex] inches difference
  24. [latex]\frac{7}{12}[/latex] combined
  25. [latex]\frac{1}{12}[/latex] more
  26. [latex]2.75[/latex]
  27. [latex]0.35[/latex]
  28. [latex]0.\overline5[/latex] or [latex]0.555...[/latex]
  29. [latex]1.\overline{63}[/latex] or [latex]1.636363...[/latex]
  30. [latex]11\frac{1}{2}[/latex]
  31. [latex]4\frac{2}{3}[/latex]
  32. [latex]\frac{11}{5}[/latex]
  33. [latex]\frac{20}{3}[/latex]
  34. [latex]10\frac{3}{8}[/latex]
  35. [latex]4\frac{7}{8}[/latex]
  36. [latex]8\frac{1}{6}[/latex]
  37. [latex]1\frac{5}{6}[/latex] cup



0.5 Precision and Rounding

  1. exact value
  2. approximation
  3. exact value
  4. approximation
  5. exact value
  6. approximation
  7. three significant figures
  8. four significant figures
  9. five significant figures
  10. two significant figures
  11. three significant figures
  12. four significant figures
  13. two significant figures; the actual value could be anywhere between [latex]28,500[/latex] and [latex]29,500[/latex]
  14. three significant figures; the actual value could be anywhere between [latex]28,950[/latex] and [latex]29,050[/latex]
  15. four significant figures; the actual value could be anywhere between [latex]28,995[/latex] and [latex]29,005[/latex]
  16. five significant figures; the actual value could be anywhere between [latex]28,999.5[/latex] and [latex]29,000.5[/latex]
  17. [latex]51,800[/latex]
  18. [latex]51,840[/latex]
  19. [latex]4.3[/latex]
  20. [latex]4.28[/latex]
  21. [latex]14,000[/latex]
  22. [latex]14,\overline{0}00[/latex]
  23. [latex]2.6[/latex]
  24. [latex]2.60[/latex]
  25. [latex]29,000\text{ ft}[/latex]
  26. [latex]29,\overline{0}00\text{ ft}[/latex]
  27. [latex]29,030\text{ ft}[/latex]
  28. [latex]29,032\text{ ft}[/latex]
  29. [latex]29,031.7\text{ ft}[/latex]
  30. [latex]107[/latex]
  31. [latex]640[/latex]
  32. [latex]14.4[/latex]
  33. [latex]12[/latex]
  34. [latex]$23[/latex]




Module 6: Precision and GPE

  1. thousands
  2. hundreds
  3. tens
  4. thousandths
  5. ten thousandths
  6. hundred thousandths
  7. [latex]82,000[latex]
  8. [latex]82,\overline{0}00[latex]
  9. [latex]82,0\overline{0}0[latex]
  10. [latex]0.6[latex]
  11. [latex]0.60[latex]
  12. [latex]0.600[latex]
  13. [latex]39.3[latex] lb
  14. [latex]39[latex] lb
  15. [latex]\textdollar9,800[latex]
  16. [latex]\textdollar8\overline{0}0[latex]
  17. thousands place; the nearest [latex]1,000[latex] people
  18. [latex]\pm 500[latex] people
  19. hundred thousandths place; the nearest [latex]0.00001[latex] in
  20. [latex]\pm 0.000005[latex] in
  21. hundredths place; the nearest [latex]0.01[latex] mil
  22. [latex]\pm 0.005[latex] mil
  23. [latex]30\overline{0}[latex] miles
  24. ones place; the nearest [latex]1[latex] mile
  25. [latex]\pm 0.5[latex] mi
  26. ones place; the nearest [latex]1[latex] minute
  27. [latex]\pm 0.5[latex] min
  28. two sig figs
  29. three sig figs
  30. [latex]55[latex] mi/hr
  31. When dividing, we must round the result based on the accuracy; i.e., the number of significant figures.



Module 7: Formulas

  1. [latex]\textdollar2.46[latex]
  2. [latex]\textdollar4.14[latex]
  3. [latex]\textdollar17.80[latex]
  4. [latex]\textdollar24.80[latex]
  5. [latex]\textdollar3.80[latex]
  6. [latex]6[latex] representatives
  7. [latex]10[latex] representatives
  8. [latex]52[latex] representatives
  9. [latex]8[latex] electoral votes
  10. [latex]12[latex] electoral votes
  11. [latex]54[latex] electoral votes
  12. [latex]\approx115[latex]°F; the official record high in the city was 116°F.
  13. [latex]37[latex]°C
  14. [latex]-0.4[latex]°F
  15. [latex]200[latex]°C
  16. [latex]90[latex] mm Hg
  17. around [latex]107[latex] mm Hg
  18. [latex]70[latex] in
  19. [latex]74[latex] in
  20. yes
  21. no; too large
  22. no; too small
  23. yes



Module 8: Perimeter and Circumference

  1. [latex]70[latex] ft
  2. [latex]58[latex] cm
  3. [latex]28[latex] cm
  4. [latex]104[latex] ft
  5. [latex]130[latex] ft
  6. [latex]56[latex] ft
  7. [latex]24[latex] in
  8. [latex]20[latex] cm
  9. [latex]28.3[latex] in
  10. [latex]18.8[latex] cm
  11. [latex]44.0[latex] ft
  12. [latex]53[latex] m


3.1 Converting Among Ratio, Decimal & Percent

  1. [latex]47\%[/latex]
  2. [latex]53\%[/latex]
  3. [latex]\frac{71}{100}[/latex]
  4. [latex]\frac{1.3}{100}=\frac{13}{1000}[/latex]
  5. [latex]\frac{0.04}{100}=\frac{1}{2500}[/latex]
  6. [latex]\frac{106}{100}=\frac{53}{50}[/latex]
  7. [latex]0.71[/latex]
  8. [latex]0.013[/latex]
  9. [latex]0.0004[/latex]
  10. [latex]1.06[/latex]
  11. [latex]23\%[/latex]
  12. [latex]7\%[/latex]
  13. [latex]8.5\%[/latex]
  14. [latex]250\%[/latex]
  15. [latex]28\%[/latex]
  16. [latex]12.5\%[/latex]


3.2 Solving Percent Problems

17. [latex]31.5[/latex]

18. [latex]22.5[/latex]

19. [latex]67.5[/latex]

20. [latex]100[/latex]

21. [latex]38.6[/latex]

22. [latex]2.25[/latex]

23. [latex]\textdollar9.35[/latex]

24. [latex]\textdollar119.32[/latex]


Module 12: Percents Part 2 and Error Analysis

  1. [latex]93\%[latex] or [latex]93.3\%[latex]
  2. [latex]37.5\%[latex]
  3. [latex]\textdollar2,500[latex]
  4. [latex]720[latex]
  5. [latex]93\%[latex] or [latex]93.3\%[latex]
  6. [latex]37.5\%[latex]
  7. [latex]\textdollar2,500[latex]
  8. [latex]720[latex]
  9. [latex]44.8\%[latex] or [latex]45\%[latex]
  10. [latex]50[latex] grams of added sugars is the recommended daily intake for a [latex]2,000[latex] calorie diet.
  11. [latex]56\%[latex] increase
  12. [latex]10.1\%[latex] sales tax
  13. [latex]36\%[latex] decrease
  14. [latex]2.7\%[latex] decrease
  15. [latex]0.1875\div25\approx0.75\%[latex]
  16. [latex]0.13\div10.8\approx1.2\%[latex]
  17. [latex]4.806[latex] g; [latex]5.194[latex] g
  18. [latex]3.88\%[latex]
  19. [latex]5.443[latex] g; [latex]5.897[latex] g
  20. [latex]4.00\%[latex]

Module 27: Percents Part 3

  1. [latex]\textdollar1,299.00[latex]
  2. [latex]14,861[latex] students; notice that if the percent had fewer than five sig figs, we wouldn't have been able to get an answer that was accurate to the nearest whole number.
  3. Yes, you can! Each bottle cost [latex]\textdollar3.59[latex]. [caption id="attachment_699" align="alignnone" width="250"] Real time screenshot of my phone's calculator.[/caption]
  4. [latex]\textdollar3.20[latex] million
  5. [latex]873,900[latex] people
  6. [latex]\textdollar16[latex]; the percent has only two sig figs, so it doesn't make sense to assume that the price was [latex]\textdollar16.13[latex]. They probably rounded the percent from [latex]68.75\%[latex] to make the numbers in the advertisement seems less complicated.


2.6 Setting Up and Solving Proportions

7. [latex]\frac{3}{4}=\frac{3}{4}[/latex]; true

8. [latex]\frac{2}{3} \neq \frac{4}{5}[/latex]; false

9. [latex]168 = 168[/latex]; true

10. [latex]200 \neq 240[/latex]; false

11. [latex]70 \neq 60[/latex]; false

12. [latex]20 = 20[/latex]; true

13. [latex]x = 12[/latex]

14. [latex]n = 5[/latex]

15. [latex]k = 4[/latex]

16. [latex]w = 10[/latex]

17. [latex]x = 10.4[/latex]

18. [latex]m = 2.0[/latex]

19. [latex]256[/latex] miles

20. [latex]20[/latex] hours

21. [latex]\approx 50[/latex] miles (rounding to one sig fig seems like a good idea here)

22. [latex]190[/latex] pixels wide



Module 13: The US Measurement System

We generally won't worry about significant figures in these answers; we'll probably say "[latex]2[latex] miles" even if "[latex]2.000[latex] miles" is technically correct.

  1. [latex]54[latex] in
  2. [latex]54[latex] ft
  3. [latex]36[latex] in
  4. [latex]1,760[latex] yd
  5. [latex]14\frac{2}{3}[latex] ft or [latex]14[latex] ft [latex]8[latex] in
  6. [latex]15[latex] yd
  7. [latex]2[latex] mi
  8. [latex]30[latex] yd
  9. [latex]40[latex] oz
  10. [latex]2,400[latex] lb
  11. 18.75 lb
  12. [latex]32,000[latex] oz
  13. [latex]48[latex] fl oz
  14. [latex]7[latex] pt
  15. [latex]8[latex] pt
  16. [latex]5[latex] c
  17. [latex]1.25[latex] gal
  18. [latex]64[latex] fl oz
  19. [latex]3[latex] lb [latex]7[latex] oz
  20. [latex]7[latex] c [latex]3[latex] fl oz
  21. [latex]15[latex] ft [latex]2[latex] in
  22. [latex]4[latex] t [latex]500[latex] lb
  23. [latex]20[latex] lb or [latex]20[latex] lb [latex]0[latex] oz combined
  24. [latex]3[latex] lb [latex]2[latex] oz heavier
  25. [latex]9[latex] ft [latex]1[latex] in combined
  26. [latex]1[latex] ft [latex]5[latex] in longer




Module 14: The Metric System

  1. [latex]5[latex] m
  2. [latex]28[latex] cm
  3. [latex]3.8[latex] km
  4. [latex]1.6[latex] m
  5. [latex]160[latex] cm
  6. [latex]3[latex] mm
  7. [latex]536[latex] cm
  8. [latex]5,360[latex] mm
  9. [latex]1,609[latex] m
  10. [latex]160,900[latex] cm
  11. [latex]0.297[latex] m
  12. [latex]29.7[latex] cm
  13. [latex]0.828[latex] km
  14. [latex]82.8[latex] dam
  15. [latex]100[latex] g
  16. [latex]80[latex] kg
  17. [latex]500[latex] mg
  18. [latex]2,000[latex] kg
  19. [latex]2,270[latex] g
  20. [latex]2,270,000[latex] mg
  21. [latex]6,500[latex] cg
  22. [latex]65,000[latex] mg
  23. [latex]0.065[latex] kg
  24. [latex]9.5[latex] cg
  25. [latex]0.095[latex] g
  26. [latex]50[latex] L
  27. [latex]30[latex] mL
  28. [latex]0.5[latex] L
  29. [latex]10.5[latex] dL
  30. [latex]1,750[latex] mL
  31. [latex]0.25[latex] L
  32. they are equal in size
  33. about [latex]11[latex] to [latex]1[latex]
  34. [latex]4[latex] bottles; this is easier if you know that a 500-milliliter bottle of Mexican Coke is called a medio litro. [caption id="attachment_758" align="alignnone" width="300"] Doce litros de Coca-Cola[/caption]


1.3 Converting Length or Distance

We may round some of these answers to three significant figures even if the given number has fewer than three sig figs. On the other hand, you'll see that some of these answers include a critique of a manufacturer's decision to round numbers a certain way.
  1. [latex]31\text{ mi}[/latex]
  2. [latex]183\text{ cm}[/latex]
  3. [latex]164.0\text{ ft}[/latex]
  4. yes, [latex]4\text{ in}=101.6\text{ mm}[/latex] according to the conversion, but is it really [latex]4.000\text{ in}[/latex] to begin with? Rounding the result to [latex]100\text{ mm}[/latex] or [latex]102\text{ mm}[/latex] seems reasonable.
  5. [latex]20[/latex] in converts to around [latex]50.8[/latex] cm, and [latex]50.0[/latex] cm converts to around [latex]19.7[/latex] in. It looks like somebody used the conversion [latex]1\text{ in}=2.5\text{ cm}[/latex], which is fine if you're estimating but not if you're going to report a number to three sig figs.
  6. not exactly but they're pretty close; the error is around [latex]0.3\%[/latex].



1.6 Converting Rates

We will generally round these answers to three significant figures; your answer may be slightly different depending on which conversion ratio you used.

  1. [latex]525,600[/latex] min; if you're familiar with the musical Rent, then you already knew the answer.
  2. this is roughly [latex]31.7[/latex] years, which is indeed possible
  3. [latex]37.6[/latex] km/hr
  4. [latex]23.3[/latex] mi/hr
  5. [latex]1,770[/latex] mi/hr
  6. [latex]29.5[/latex] mi in [latex]1[/latex] min
  7. [latex]20.3[/latex] min
  8. [latex]0.17[/latex] mi/gal
  9. [latex]5.8[/latex] gal/mi
  10. [latex]171[/latex] gal in [latex]1[/latex] min




Module 17: Angles

  1. right angle
  2. obtuse angle
  3. reflexive angle
  4. straight angle
  5. acute angle
  6. [latex]a=127^\circ[latex]; [latex]b=53^\circ[latex]; [latex]c=127^\circ[latex]
  7. [latex]27^\circ[latex]
  8. [latex]97^\circ[latex]
  9. [latex]23^\circ[latex] each
  10. [latex]45^\circ[latex] each
  11. [latex]60^\circ[latex] each
  12. [latex]A=61^\circ[latex]; [latex]B=80^\circ[latex]; [latex]C=39^\circ[latex]
  13. [latex]18.9111^\circ[latex]
  14. [latex]155.6808^\circ[latex]
  15. [latex]34.1924^\circ[latex]
  16. [latex]29^\circ58'30''[latex]
  17. [latex]31^\circ8'15''[latex]
  18. [latex]76^\circ20'48.1''[latex]


Module 18: Triangles

  1. right isosceles triangle
  2. obtuse scalene triangle
  3. acute equilateral triangle (yes, an equilateral triangle will always be acute)
  4. [latex]w=35\text{ ft}[latex]
  5. [latex]x=8\text{ cm}[latex]; [latex]y=10.5\text{ cm}[latex]
  6. [latex]d=268\text{ ft}[latex]
  7. [latex]n=55\text{ cm}[latex]
  8. this is a right triangle, because [latex]5^2+12^2=13^2[latex].
  9. this is not a right triangle, because [latex]8^2+17^2\neq19^2[latex].
  10. [latex]7.07[latex]
  11. [latex]17.20[latex]
  12. [latex]30.71[latex]
  13. [latex]10\text{ ft}[latex]
  14. [latex]15\text{ ft}[latex]
  15. [latex]12.3\text{ cm}[latex]
  16. [latex]1.8\text{ cm}[latex]


Module 19: Area of Polygons and Circles

We may occasionally include extra sig figs in these answers so you can be sure that your answer matches ours.

  1. [latex]20\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  2. [latex]16\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  3. [latex]4.86\text{ m}^2[latex]
  4. [latex]12.25\text{ ft}^2[latex]
  5. [latex]120\text{ in}^2[latex]
  6. [latex]360\text{ m}^2[latex]
  7. [latex]210\text{ ft}^2[latex]
  8. [latex]126\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  9. [latex]38.5\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  10. [latex]204\text{ ft}^2[latex]
  11. [latex]2,160\text{ in}^2[latex]
  12. [latex]36\text{ m}^2[latex]
  13. [latex]124\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  14. [latex]192\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  15. [latex]28.3\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  16. [latex]220\text{ m}^2[latex]
  17. [latex]154\text{ ft}^2[latex]
  18. [latex]63.6\text{ in}^2[latex]



Module 20: Composite Figures

  1. [latex]64\text{ ft}[latex]
  2. [latex]189\text{ ft}^2[latex]
  3. [latex]590\text{ cm}^2[latex]; the area of the rectangle is [latex]800\text{ cm}^2[latex] and the areas of the triangles are [latex]70\text{ cm}^2[latex] and [latex]140\text{ cm}^2[latex].
  4. [latex]590\text{ cm}^2[latex]; hey, that's what we got for #3!
  5. [latex]148\text{ m}[latex]
  6. [latex]940\text{ m}^2[latex]
  7. Based on the stated measurements, the distance around the track will be 401 meters, which appears to be 1 meter too long. In real life, precision would be very important here, and you might ask for the measurements to be given to the nearest tenth of a meter.
  8. around [latex]9,620\text{ m}^2[latex]
  9. [latex]1,960\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  10. [latex]178.5\text{ cm}[latex]
  11. [latex]29\text{ ft}^2[latex]
  12. [latex]47\text{ ft}[latex]
  13. around [latex]21.5\%[latex] (Hint: Make up an easy number for the side of the square, like 2 or 10.)
  14. around [latex]36.3\%[latex] (Hint: The diagonals of the square are equal to the circle's diameter.)


1.4 Converting Area

We may occasionally include extra sig figs in these answers so that you can be sure that your answer matches ours.
  1. [latex]162\text{ ft}^2[/latex]
  2. [latex]162\text{ ft}^2[/latex]
  3. [latex]7\text{ ft}^2[/latex]
  4. [latex]7\text{ ft}^2[/latex]
  5. [latex]7,776\text{ in}^2[/latex]
  6. [latex]8.3\text{ ac}[/latex]
  7. [latex]180,000\text{ cm}^2[/latex]
  8. [latex]180,000\text{ cm}^2[/latex]
  9. [latex]623.7\text{ cm}^2[/latex]
  10. [latex]623.7\text{ cm}^2[/latex]
  11. [latex]6\text{ m}^2[/latex]
  12. [latex]4\text{ ha}[/latex]
  13. [latex]376\text{ km}^2[/latex]
  14. [latex]2,\overline{0}00\text{ ha}[/latex], rounded to two sig figs
  15. [latex]603\text{ cm}^2[/latex]
  16. [latex]75,300\text{ ft}^2/[latex], rounded to three sig figs



Module 22: Surface Area of Common Solids

  1. [latex]36\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  2. [latex]76\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  3. [latex]471\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  4. [latex]628\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  5. [latex]616\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  6. [latex]380\text{ in}^2[latex]



Module 23: Area of Regular Polygons

All answers have been given to two or three significant figures.

  1. [latex]6,900\text{ in}^2[latex]
  2. [latex]94\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  3. [latex]750\text{ in}^2[latex]
  4. [latex]751\text{ mm}^2[latex]
  5. [latex]480\text{ cm}^2[latex]
  6. [latex]110\text{ m}^2[latex]
  7. [latex]280\text{ mm}^2[latex] (the area of the circle [latex]\approx1,660\text{ mm}^2[latex] and the area of the hexagon is [latex]1,380\text{ mm}^2[latex])



Module 24: Volume of Common Solids

  1. [latex]40\text{ cm}^3[latex]
  2. [latex]531\text{ cm}^3[latex]
  3. [latex]45\text{ cm}^3[latex]
  4. [latex]350\text{ cm}^3[latex]
  5. [latex]520\text{ cm}^3[latex]
  6. [latex]22,600\text{ ft}^3[latex]
  7. [latex]3.7\text{ mm}^3[latex]
  8. [latex]1,440\text{ cm}^3[latex]
  9. [latex]697\text{ in}^3[latex] or [latex]7\overline{0}0\text{ in}^3[latex]
  10. [latex]22.7\text{ cm}^3[latex] (the cylinder's volume [latex]\approx14.1\text{ cm}^3[latex] and the hemisphere's volume [latex]\approx8.6\text{ cm}^3[latex].)
  11. [latex]37.6\text{ ft}^3[latex] (the cylinder's volume [latex]\approx29.45\text{ ft}^3[latex] and the two hemispheres' combined volume [latex]\approx8.18\text{ ft}^3[latex])
  12. [latex]37.6\text{ ft}^3\approx282\text{ gal}[latex], which is more than [latex]250\text{ gal}[latex].


1.5 Converting Volume

  1. the result is very close to [latex]1[/latex] cubic yard: [latex](112\text{ in}\cdot14\text{ in}\cdot10\text{ in})\cdot3\text{ crates}=47,040\text{ in}^3\approx1.01\text{ yd}^3[/latex]
  2. this estimate is also [latex]1[/latex] cubic yard: [latex](9\text{ ft}\cdot1\text{ ft}\cdot1\text{ ft})\cdot3\text{ crates}=27\text{ ft}^3=1\text{ yd}^3[/latex]
  3. around [latex]60[/latex] gallons
  4. yes, the can is able to hold [latex]12[/latex] fluid ounces; the can's volume is roughly [latex]23.3\text{ in}^3\approx12.9\text{ fl oz}[/latex].
  5. [latex]5[/latex] gallons
  6. around [latex]2,300[/latex] to [latex]2,400[/latex] liters; a calculator says [latex]2,356[/latex] liters which should technically be rounded up to [latex]2,400[/latex] liters, but it would be reasonable to round down to [latex]2,300[/latex] liters instead if you considered the volume of the benches and the fact that the sides might slope inwards near to bottom of the tub.
  7. the rectangular section of the carton has a volume of [latex]1.7[/latex] liters, which is larger than the required [latex]1.5\text{ L}[/latex].
  8. [latex]\approx21\text{ cm}[/latex] high
    Independent verification from my kitchen.
  9. [latex]19.6\text{ yd}^3[/latex]
  10. [latex]53\overline{0}\text{ ft}^3[/latex]
  11. [latex]1.53\text{ m}^3[/latex]
  12. [latex]327\text{ in}^3[/latex]
  13. [latex]5,350\text{ cm}^3[/latex]




Module 26: Pyramids and Cones

  1. [latex][/latex]1,280\text{ cm}^3[latex][/latex]
  2. [latex][/latex]2,420,000\text{ m}^3[latex][/latex]
  3. [latex][/latex]544\text{ cm}^2[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]80\overline{0}\text{ cm}^2[latex][/latex]
  4. [latex][/latex]82,300\text{ m}^2[latex][/latex]
  5. [latex][/latex]310\text{ cm}^3[latex][/latex] (if we had greater accuracy, the result would be 314.16 because it's 100 times [latex][/latex]\pi[latex][/latex].)
  6. [latex][/latex]38\text{ ft}^3[latex][/latex]
  7. [latex][/latex]47\text{ ft}^2[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]75\text{ ft}^2[latex][/latex]
  8. [latex][/latex]2\overline{0}0\text{ cm}^2[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]280\text{ cm}^2[latex][/latex]



Module 28: Mean, Median, Mode

  1. [latex][/latex]10.3\text{ min}[latex][/latex]
  2. [latex][/latex]\textdollar4.488[latex][/latex]
  3. [latex][/latex]11.0\text{ min}[latex][/latex] (because it is the seventh value in the list of thirteen)
  4. [latex][/latex]\textdollar4.475[latex][/latex]
  5. [latex][/latex]\textdollar256,000[latex][/latex]
  6. [latex][/latex]\textdollar250,000[latex][/latex]
  7. [latex][/latex]\textdollar338,000[latex][/latex]
  8. [latex][/latex]\textdollar275,000[latex][/latex]
  9. the median is more representative because the mean is higher than five of the six home values.
  10. [latex][/latex]11.0\text{ min}[latex][/latex] (because it appears four times in the list)
  11. no mode (there are no repeated values)
  12. AT&T Mobility
  13. Samoas and Thin Mints
  14. [latex][/latex]12.2[latex][/latex] games
  15. [latex][/latex]12[latex][/latex] games
  16. [latex][/latex]12[latex][/latex] games
  17. they all represent the data fairly well; [latex][/latex]12[latex][/latex] wins represents a typical Patriots season.
  18. [latex][/latex]6.8[latex][/latex] games
  19. [latex][/latex]7[latex][/latex] games
  20. [latex][/latex]6[latex][/latex] games
  21. they all represent the data fairly well; [latex][/latex]6[latex][/latex] or [latex][/latex]7[latex][/latex] wins represents a typical Bills season.
  22. [latex][/latex]98.2[latex][/latex] grams; the mean doesn't seem to represent a typical clementine because there is a group of smaller ones (from [latex][/latex]82[latex][/latex] to [latex][/latex]94[latex][/latex] grams) and a group of larger ones (from [latex][/latex]102[latex][/latex] to [latex][/latex]109[latex][/latex] grams) with none in the middle.
  23. [latex][/latex]94[latex][/latex] grams; for the same reason, the median doesn't represent a typical clementine, but you could say it helps split the clementines into a lighter group and a heavier group.
  24. no mode; too many values appear twice.
  25. [latex][/latex]98.3[latex][/latex] grams; this is a small increase over the previous mean.
  26. [latex][/latex]94[latex][/latex] grams; the median does not change when one of the highest numbers increases.
  27. [latex][/latex]109[latex][/latex] grams; you might say it represents the mass of a typical large clementine, but it doesn't represent the entire group.




Module 30: Standard Deviation

  1. [latex][/latex]60.5[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]66.5[latex][/latex]
  2. [latex][/latex]57.5[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]69.5[latex][/latex]
  3. [latex][/latex]54.5[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]72.5[latex][/latex]
  4. [latex][/latex]66.5[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]72.5[latex][/latex]
  5. [latex][/latex]63.5[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]75.5[latex][/latex]
  6. [latex][/latex]60.5[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]78.5[latex][/latex]
  7. [latex][/latex]68\%[latex][/latex] because [latex][/latex]100\%-(16\%+16\%)=68\%[latex][/latex]
  8. [latex][/latex]195[latex][/latex] lb because this is halfway between [latex][/latex]160[latex][/latex] and [latex][/latex]230[latex][/latex] lb
  9. [latex][/latex]35[latex][/latex] lb because [latex][/latex]195-35[latex][/latex] lb and [latex][/latex]195+35[latex][/latex] lb encompasses [latex][/latex]68\%[latex][/latex] of the data
  10. [latex][/latex]125[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]265[latex][/latex]
  11. [latex][/latex]8.8[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]15.6[latex][/latex]
  12. You would not have predicted this from the data because it is more than two standard deviations below the mean, so there would be a roughly [latex][/latex]2.5\%[latex][/latex] chance of this happening randomly. In fact, [latex][/latex](12.2-7)\div1.7[latex][/latex] is slightly larger than [latex][/latex]3[latex][/latex], so this is more than three standard deviations below the mean, making it even more unlikely. (You might have predicted that the Patriots would get worse when Tom Brady left them for Tampa Bay, but you wouldn't have predicted only [latex][/latex]7[latex][/latex] wins based on the previous nineteen years of data.)
  13. [latex][/latex]3.4[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]10.2[latex][/latex]
  14. You would not predict this from the data because it is more than two standard deviations above the mean, so there would be a roughly [latex][/latex]2.5\%[latex][/latex] chance of this happening randomly. In fact, [latex][/latex](13-6.8)\div1.7\approx3.6[latex][/latex], so this is more than three standard deviations above the mean, making it even more unlikely. This increased win total is partly due to external forces (i.e., the Patriots becoming weaker and losing two games to the Bills) but even [latex][/latex]11[latex][/latex] wins would have been a bold prediction, let alone [latex][/latex]13[latex][/latex].
  15. [latex][/latex]3.9[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]14.3[latex][/latex]
  16. The trouble with making predictions about the Broncos is that their standard deviation is so large. You could choose any number between [latex][/latex]4[latex][/latex] and [latex][/latex]14[latex][/latex] wins and be within the [latex][/latex]95\%[latex][/latex] interval. [latex][/latex](9.1-5)\div2.6\approx1.6[latex][/latex], so this is around [latex][/latex]1.6[latex][/latex] standard deviations below the mean, which makes it not very unusual. Whereas the Patriots and Bills are more consistent, the Broncos' win totals fluctuate quite a bit and are therefore more unpredictable.




Module 31: Right Triangle Trigonometry

  1. the adjacent side is e, the opposite side is f, and the hypotenuse is d.
  2. the adjacent side is x, the opposite side is y, and the hypotenuse is r.
  3. [latex][/latex]\frac{3}{5}=0.6[latex][/latex]
  4. [latex][/latex]\frac{4}{5}=0.8[latex][/latex]
  5. [latex][/latex]\frac{3}{4}=0.75[latex][/latex]
  6. [latex][/latex]\frac{4}{5}=0.8[latex][/latex]
  7. [latex][/latex]\frac{3}{5}=0.6[latex][/latex]
  8. [latex][/latex]\frac{4}{3}\approx1.333[latex][/latex]
  9. [latex][/latex]0.6000[latex][/latex]
  10. [latex][/latex]0.8000[latex][/latex]
  11. [latex][/latex]0.7500[latex][/latex]
  12. [latex][/latex]0.8000[latex][/latex]
  13. [latex][/latex]0.6000[latex][/latex]
  14. [latex][/latex]1.333[latex][/latex]
  15. [latex][/latex]z\approx4.6\text{ cm}[latex][/latex]
  16. [latex][/latex]g\approx2.6\text{ cm}[latex][/latex]
  17. [latex][/latex]b\approx5.706\text{ in}[latex][/latex]
  18. [latex][/latex]p\approx75.51\text{ mm}[latex][/latex]
  19. [latex][/latex]y\approx136.18\text{ mm}[latex][/latex]
  20. [latex][/latex]d\approx296.87\text{ mm}[latex][/latex]
  21. the wire is approximately [latex][/latex]27\text{ ft}[latex][/latex] long
  22. [latex][/latex]\approx17.85\text{ ft}[latex][/latex], which is roughly [latex][/latex]17\text{ ft}, 10\text{ in}[latex][/latex]
  23. No; [latex][/latex]64\cdot\text{tan }1^\circ\approx1.1\text{ ft}[latex][/latex], so the puck will hit the fabric over 1 foot away from the center of the hole. (The person in the photo was given a bunch of pucks and 30 seconds to score, but he scored on his first shot. Boston Bruins at Vancouver Canucks, February 24, 2024.)
  24. [latex][/latex]36.87^\circ[latex][/latex]
  25. [latex][/latex]60^\circ[latex][/latex]
  26. [latex][/latex]53.13^\circ[latex][/latex]
  27. [latex][/latex]\angle A\approx36.47^\circ[latex][/latex]
  28. [latex][/latex]\angle1\approx42.03^\circ[latex][/latex]
  29. [latex][/latex]\angle1\approx30.76^\circ[latex][/latex]
  30. [latex][/latex]\angle y\approx52.88^\circ[latex][/latex]
  31. [latex][/latex]\angle1\approx55.28^\circ[latex][/latex]
  32. [latex][/latex]\angle x\approx31.50^\circ[latex][/latex]; [latex][/latex]\angle y\approx58.50^\circ[latex][/latex]
  33. [latex][/latex]\text{tan}^{-1}\left(\frac{4}{1}\right)\approx76^\circ[latex][/latex] angle of elevation
  34. Yes; [latex][/latex]\text{sin}^{-1}\left(\frac{2}{25}\right)\approx4.59^\circ[latex][/latex], which is less than [latex][/latex]4.75^\circ[latex][/latex].
  35. [latex][/latex]\text{tan}^{-1}\left(\frac{17}{14}\right)\approx50.5^\circ[latex][/latex]
  36. [latex][/latex]17\div\text{sin }51^\circ\approx22.0[latex][/latex]
  37. [latex][/latex]14\div\text{cos }51^\circ\approx22.0[latex][/latex]
  38. [latex][/latex]\sqrt{14^2+17^2}\approx22.0[latex][/latex]
  39. All three answers are the same rounded to three significant figures. This is true because we rounded [latex][/latex]\angle A[latex][/latex] to the nearest tenth; if we had rounded it to [latex][/latex]51^\circ[latex][/latex] instead of [latex][/latex]50.5^\circ[latex][/latex], we would have decreased the accuracy of #36 & #37 to only two sig figs and the three results all would have been slightly different.
  40. [latex][/latex]\approx23^\circ[latex][/latex]
  41. [latex][/latex]\approx8,900\text{ ft}[latex][/latex]




Module 32: Slope

  1. [latex][/latex]0.36\text:12[latex][/latex], [latex][/latex]0.03[latex][/latex], [latex][/latex]3\%[latex][/latex]
  2. [latex][/latex]0.60\text:12[latex][/latex], [latex][/latex]0.05[latex][/latex], [latex][/latex]5\%[latex][/latex]
  3. [latex][/latex]1.00\text:12[latex][/latex], [latex][/latex]0.0833[latex][/latex], [latex][/latex]8.33\%[latex][/latex]
  4. [latex][/latex]2.16\text:12[latex][/latex], [latex][/latex]0.18[latex][/latex], [latex][/latex]18\%[latex][/latex]
  5. [latex][/latex]1.72^\circ[latex][/latex]
  6. [latex][/latex]2.86^\circ[latex][/latex]
  7. [latex][/latex]4.76^\circ[latex][/latex]
  8. [latex][/latex]10.20^\circ[latex][/latex]
  9. [latex][/latex]0.5\text{ ft}[latex][/latex]
  10. [latex][/latex]1\text{ ft}[latex][/latex]
  11. [latex][/latex]5\text{ ft}[latex][/latex]
  12. [latex][/latex]\text{tan}^{-1}\left(20/12\right)\approx59^\circ[latex][/latex] from vertical. (this would be an angle of depression of [latex][/latex]31^\circ[latex][/latex].)
  13. [latex][/latex]30\text{ ft}[latex][/latex]; the proportion [latex][/latex]\frac{1}{12}=\frac{2.5}{x}[latex][/latex] gives a result of exactly [latex][/latex]30\text{ ft}[latex][/latex].
    Using the result from #7, the equation [latex][/latex]\text{tan}\left(4.76^\circ\right)=\frac{2.5}{x}[latex][/latex] gives a result very close to [latex][/latex]30.0\text{ ft}[latex][/latex].





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