7.4 Problem-Solving Strategies


You are managing a hazardous spill. It’s soaked an area of soil 8 inches deep, 40 feet long and 30 feet wide. If a dump truck typically hauls 10 cubic yards of soil, how many loads will need to be hauled to remove the contaminated earth?


Excavation of petroleum contaminated soil in the Pribilof Islands.
Removal of soil contaminated by petroleum.

This is the type of problem we want to get good at solving! We’ll learn how to approach this multifaceted problem in an organized way to reach a solution we are confident in.


When you’ve finished this chapter, you’ll be able to approach an applied problem involving geometry calculations in an organized way, recognize reasonable solutions, and perform calculations to find an answer in a way that allows others to review your work.



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Technical Math: Applications for the Environmental Sciences Copyright © by Marilyn Nielson and Morgan Chase is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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