
If you’re here in this textbook with me, you’re likely a college student in the technical environmental sciences fields. I’ve been where you are and I’ve designed this book to help you brush up on quantitative skills.

As technicians in forestry, water science, wildlife, and recreation our work is devoted to capturing information about the natural world and using it to describe the landscape and manage resources. We will need a variety of math skills to plan for work in the field, collect data, and make sense of the information we gather. There’s an on-the-job reason for all the math we’ll learn and our problem sets pull heavily from my work experience.

I think you’ll appreciate our applied approach!

Development of this textbook was made possible through funding for Spokane Community College’s Guided Pathways work.  This book pulls from the excellent applied math text,  Technical Mathematics authored by Morgan Chase from Clackamas Community College, and is revised to highlight applications, examples, and problem sets relevant to the environmental sciences.


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Technical Math: Applications for the Environmental Sciences Copyright © by Marilyn Nielson and Morgan Chase is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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