Here are examples of common medical terms related to the cardiovascular system that can be easily defined by breaking the terms into their word components.
- Break down the medical term into word components: Cardi/o/logist
- Label the word components: Cardi = WR; o = CV; logist = S
- Define the word components: Cardi = heart; logist = specialist who studies and treats
- Create a final definition of the medical term: A specialist who studies and treats diseases of the heart
- Break down the medical term into word components: Brady/cardi/a
- Label the word components: Brady = P; card = WR; ia = S
- Define the word components: Brady = slow; card = heart; ia=condition of
- Create a final definition of the medical term: Condition of slow heart (rate)
- Break down the medical term into word components: Electr/o/cardi/o/gram
- Label the word components: Electr = WR; o = CV; cardi = WR; o = CV; gram = S
- Define the word components: Electr = electricity; cardi = heart; gram = record
- Create a final definition of the medical term: A record of electrical (activity) of the heart
Interactive Learning Activity: Practice defining and pronouncing cardiovascular system medical terms by breaking them down into word parts.
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