This section will describe common word components related to the digestive system. These word components help build definitions for many medical terms. Other common prefixes are described in Chapter 1.3, and common suffixes are described in Chapter 1.5.
Common Prefixes Related to the Digestive System
- dys-: Painful, abnormal, difficult, labored
- endo-: Within, in
- hemi-: Half
- sub-: Under, below
Common Word Roots With a Combining Vowel Related to the Digestive System
- abdomin/o: Abdomen, abdominal
- an/o: Anus
- antr/o: Antrum
- append/o: Appendix
- appendic/o: Appendix
- cec/o: Cecum
- celi/o: Abdomen, abdominal cavity
- cheil/o: Lip
- chol/e: Gall, bile
- cholangi/o: Bile duct
- choledoch/o: Common bile duct
- col/o: Colon
- colon/o: Colon
- diverticul/o: Diverticulum
- duoden/o: Duodenum
- enter/o: Intestine
- esophag/o: Esophagus
- gastr/o: Stomach
- gingiv/o: Gum
- gloss/o: Tongue
- hepat/o: Liver
- herni/o: Hernia, protrusion of an organ through a membrane or cavity wall
- ile/o: Ileum
- intestin/o: Intestines
- jejun/o: Jejunum
- lapar/o: Abdomen, abdominal cavity
- lingu/o: Tongue
- or/o: Mouth
- palat/o: Palate
- pancreat/o: Pancreas
- peritone/o: Peritoneum
- polyp/o: Polyp, small growth
- proct/o: Rectum
- pylor/o: Pylorus, pyloric sphincter
- rect/o: Rectum
- sial/o: Saliva, salivary gland
- sigmoid/o: Sigmoid colon
- steat/o: Fat
- stomat/o: Mouth
- uvul/o: Uvula
- xer/o: Dryness
Common Suffixes Related to the Digestive System
- -ac: Pertaining to
- -al: Pertaining to
- -cele: Hernia, protrusion
- -centesis: Surgical puncture to aspirate fluid
- -eal: Pertaining to
- -ectomy: Excision
- -gram: The record, radiographic image
- -graph: Instrument used to record
- -graphy: Process of recording
- -ia: Condition of, diseased state, abnormal state
- -iasis: Condition
- -ic: Pertaining to
- -itis: Inflammation
- -lith: Stone
- -logist: Specialist who studies and treats
- -logy: Study of
- -malacia: Softening
- -megaly: Enlargement
- -oma: Tumor
- -osis: Abnormal condition
- -pathy: Disease
- -pepsia: Digestion
- -phagia: Eating or swallowing
- -plasty: Surgical repair
- -ptosis: Prolapse, drooping
- -rrhaphy: Suturing, repairing
- -rrhea: Flow, discharge
- -scope: Instrument used for visualization
- -scopy: Process of viewing, visualization
- -stomy: Creation of an artificial opening
- -tomy: Incision, cut into