This section will describe common word components related to the female reproductive system. These word components help build definitions for many medical terms. Other common prefixes are described in Chapter 1.3, and common suffixes are described in Chapter 1.5.
Common Prefixes Related to the Female Reproductive System
- a-: Absence of, without
- an-: Absence of, without
- dys-: Painful, difficult, abnormal, labored
- endo-: Within
- oligo-: Small amount
- peri-: Surrounding
Common Word Roots With A Combining Vowel Related to the Female Reproductive System
- arche/o: First, beginning
- cervic/o: Cervix
- colp/o: Vagina
- episi/o: Vulva
- gyn/o: Woman
- gynec/o: Woman
- hemat/o: Blood
- hymen/o: Hymen
- hyster/o: Uterus
- leuk/o: White
- mamm/o: Breast
- mast/o: Breast
- men/o: Menstruation
- metr/i: Uterus
- my/o: Muscle
- oophor/o: Ovary
- pelv/i: Pelvis, pelvic bones, pelvic cavity
- perine/o: Perineum
- py/o: Pus
- salping/o: Uterine tube, fallopian tube
- son/o: Sound waves
- trachel/o: Cervix
- vagin/o: Vagina
- vulv/o: Vulva
Common Suffixes Related to the Female Reproductive System
- -al: Pertaining to
- -atresia: Occlusion, closure
- -cleisis: Surgical closure
- -ectomy: Excision, surgical removal
- -gram: The record, radiographic image
- -graphy: Process of recording, radiographic imaging
- -itis: Inflammation
- -logist: Specialist who studies and treats
- -logy: Study of
- -osis: Abnormal condition
- -pexy: Surgical fixation, suspension
- -plasty: Surgical repair
- -rrhagia: Rapid flow of blood
- -rrhaphy: Suturing, repairing
- -rrhea: Flow, discharge
- -salpinx: Uterine (fallopian) tube
- -scope: Instrument used for visual examination
- -scopy: Visually examining
- -tomy: Cut into, incision