Appendix A: Word Parts Glossary
Here is a list of word parts used in your OER textbook. Errors and omissions can occur so please contact your instructor if you need any terms fixed or added. The live list is housed on TCC’s SharePoint server at Appendix A – Word Parts Glossary (LIVE).docx
This was last updated October 11, 2024.
Prefix List
a-: Absence of, without, no, not
ab-: Away from, take away
ad-: Towards, to, near
ambi-, ambo-: Both
amphi-: Double, both sides
an-: Absence of, without, no, not
ana-: Up, upward or back, backward
ante-: Before, in front of, forward
anti-: Opposing, against
ap-, apo-: Separated, derived from
aut-, auto-: Self, by yourself
bi-: Double, two, twice, both
bin-: Two
brachy-: Short
brady-: Slow
cata-: Lower, down, against circum-: Around
co-, con-, com-: Together, with
contra-: Against, opposed to
crypt-: Hidden
de-: Down, from di-: Twice, two
dia-: Through, apart, across, between
dis-: Apart from, free from
dys-: Painful, abnormal, difficult, labored
e-, ec-, ex-: From, away from, out of
ect-, exo-, ecto-: Outside, outer, on
em-: In
en-: In
endo-: Within, inner
ent-: Within, inner
ento-: Within, inner
epi-: Upon, over, on
ep-: Upon, over, on
eu-: Good, normal
extra-, extro-: Beyond, outside of, outward
hemi-: Half
hyp-: Below, beneath, deficient
hyper-: Above, excessive, beyond
hypo-: Deficient, below, under, incomplete
im-: Intro, in, within
in-: Intro, in, within
infra-: Below, beneath
inter-: Between
intra-: Within, inside
intro-: Into, within
iso-: Same, equal
macro-: Large
mal-: Bad
mes-, meso-: Middle
meta-: Change, beyond, after
micro-, micr-: Tiny, small
mono-, uni-: One
mult-, multi-: Many, multiple
neo-: New, recent
nulli-: None
oligo-: Small amount
ortho-: Straight, normal
oxy-: Rapid, sharp, acid
pan-: All, total
par-: Near
para-: Around, beside, beyond, abnormal
per-: Through
peri-: Surrounding, around
poly-: Excessive, over, many
post-: After, following, behind
pre-, pro-: In front of, before, preceding
presby-: Old age
pro-: Before
pseudo-: False
quadri-: Four
re-: Backward, again
retro-: Behind, backward
semi-: Half, partial
sub-: Below, under, beneath
super-, supra-: Above, excessive, superior
sym-, syn-: With, together, joined
tachy-: Fast, rapid
tetr-: Four
trans-: Through, across, beyond
tri-: Three
ultra-: Excessive, beyond
uni-: One
Combining Form List
abdomin/o: Abdomen
acous/o: Hearing
acr/o: Extremities, height
aden/o: Gland
adenoid/o: Adenoids
adip/o: Fat
adren/o: Adrenal glands
adrenal/o: Adrenal glands
albin/o: White
albumin/o: Albumin
alges/o: Sensitivity to pain
alveol/o: Alveolus
amni/o, amnion/o: Amnion, amniotic fluid
an/o: Anus
andr/o: Male
angi/o: Vessel
ankyl/o: Stiff, bent
antr/o: Antrum
aort/o: Aorta
aponeur/o: Aponeurosis
append/o: Appendix
appendic/o: Appendix
arche/o: First, beginning
arteri/o: Artery
arthr/o: Joint
atel/o: Imperfect, incomplete
ather/o: Yellowish, fatty plaque
atri/o: Atrium
audi/o: Hearing
audit/o: Hearing
aur/i, aur/o: Ear
aut/o: Self
azot/o: Urea, nitrogen
balan/o: Glans penis
bi/o: Life
blast/o: Developing cell, germ cell
blephar/o: Eyelid
bronch/o: Bronchus
bronchi/o: Bronchus
burs/o: Bursa
calc/i: Calcium
capn/o: Carbon dioxide
carcin/o: Cancer
card/i: Heart
card/o: Heart
cardi/o: Heart
carp/o: Carpals, wrist
cec/o: Cecum
celi/o: Abdomen, abdominal cavity
cephal/o: Head
cerebell/o: Cerebellum
cerebr/o: Cerebrum
cervic/o: Cervix
cheil/o: Lip
chol/e: Gall, bile
cholangi/o: Bile duct
cholecyst/o: Gallbladder
choledoch/o: Common bile duct
chondr/o: Cartilage
chori/o: Chorion
chrom/o: Color
chrondr/i, chrondr/o: Cartilage
clavic/o: Clavicle, collarbone
clavicul/o: Clavicle, collarbone
coagul/o: Clotting
cochle/o: Cochlea
col/o: Colon
colon/o: Colon
colp/o: Vagina
coni/o: Dust
conjunctiv/o: Conjunctiva
contract/o-: Pull together
cor/o: Pupil
core/o: Pupil
corne/o: Cornea
coron/o: Heart, crown, or circle
cortic/o: Cortex, outer layer of a body organ
cost/o: Ribs
crani/o: Cranium
cry/o: Cold
crypt/o: Hidden
cutane/o: Skin
cyan/o: Blue
cyst/o: Bladder, sac, or cyst
cyt/o: Cell
dacry/o: Tear, tear duct
derm/o: Skin
dermat/o: Skin
diaphragmat/o: Diaphragm
dipl/o: Two, double
dips/o: Thirst
disk/o: Intervertebral disk
diverticul/o: Diverticulum
duct/o: Bring; duct/ move
duoden/o: Duodenum
dur/o: Dura mater, hard
ech/o: Sound
electr/o: Electricity; electrical activity
embry/o: Embryo
encephal/o: Brain
endocrin/o: Endocrine
endometri/o: Endometrium
enter/o: Intestine
eosin/o: Red, dawn, rosy
epididym/o: Epididymis
epiglott/o: Epiglottis
episi/o: Vulva
erythemat/o: Redness
erythr/o: Red
esophag/o: Esophagus
esthesi/o: Sensation, sensitivity
fasci/o: Fascia
femor/o: Femur, upper leg bone
fet/o: Fetus, unborn offspring
fibr/o: Fibrous tissues
fibrin/o: Fibrin
fibul/o: Fibula, lower leg bone
gangli/o: Ganglion
ganglion/o: Ganglion
gastr/o: Stomach
gingiv/o: Gum
gli/o: Glia, gluey substance
glomerul/o: Glomerulus
gloss/o: Tongue
glyc/o: Sugar
glycos/o: Sugar
gonad/o: Gonad
gravid/o: Pregnancy
gyn/o: Woman
gynec/o: Female reproductive system
hem/o: Blood
hemat/o: Blood
hepat/o: Liver
herni/o: Hernia, protrusion of an organ through a membrane or cavity wall
heter/o: Other, different
hidr/o: Sweat
hist/o: Tissue
home/o: Sameness
humer/o: Humerus, upper arm bone
hydr/o: Water
hymen/o: Hymen
hyster/o: Uterus
ile/o: Ileum
ili/o: Ilium
immun/o: Immune, immunity
Intestin/o: Intestines
ir/o: Iris
irid/o: Iris
is/o: Same, equal
isch/o: Deficiency, blockage
ischi/o: Ischium
jejun/o: Jejunum
kal/i: Potassium
kerat/o: Cornea
kerat/o: Hard, horny tissue, keratin
kines/o: Movement, motion
kinesi/o: Movement, motion
kyph/o: Hump
kyph/o: Increased convexity of the spine
labyrinth/o: Labyrinth, inner ear
lacrim/o: Tear, tear duct
lact/o: Milk
lamin/o: Lamina (thin, flat plate or layer)
lapar/o: Abdomen, abdominal cavity
laryng/o: Larynx
lei/o: Smooth
leimy/o: Smooth (visceral) muscle that lines the walls of internal organs
leuk/o: White
lingu/o: Tongue
lip/o, lipid/o: Fat
lith/o: Stone, calculus
lob/o: Lobe
lord/o: Bent forward, increased concavity of the spine
lumb/o: Loin, lumbar region of the spine
lymph/o: Lymph, lymph tissue
lymphaden/o: Lymph gland, lymph node
mamm/o: Breast
mandibul/o: Mandible, lower jawbone
mast/o: Breast
mastoid/o: Mastoid bone
maxill/o: Maxilla, upper jawbone
meat/o: Meatus
melan/o: Black
men/o: Menstruation
mening/o: Meninges
meningi/o: Meninges
menisc/o: Meniscus, crescent
ment/o: Mind
metr/i: Uterus
mon/o: One, single
muc/o: Mucus
my/o: Muscle
myc/o: Fungus
myel/o: Marrow (bone marrow), spinal cord
myocardi/o: Heart muscle
myos/o: Muscle
myring/o: Tympanic membrane
myx/o: Mucus
nas/o: Nose
nat/o: Birth
natr/o: Sodium
necr/o: Death
nephr/o: Kidney
neur/o: Nerve
neutr/o: Neutral; neither base nor acid
noct/i: Night
ocul/o: Eye
olig/o: Few, scanty
omphal/o: Umbilicus, navel
onych/o: Nail
oophor/o: Ovary
ophthalm/o: Eye
opt/o: Vision
or/o: Mouth
orch/o: Testis, testicle
orchi/o: Testis, testicle
orchid/o: Testis, testicle
orth/o: Straight
ossicul/o: Ossicle
oste/o: Bone
ot/o: Ear
ox/i: Oxygen
pachy/o: Thick
palat/o: Palate
pancreat/o: Pancreas
par/o: To bear, labor, childbirth, give birth to
parathyroid/o: Parathyroid gland
part/o: To bear, labor, childbirth, give birth to
patell/o: Patella, kneecap
pelv/i: Pelvis, pelvic bones, pelvic cavity
pen/i: Penis
perine/o: Perineum
peritone/o: Peritoneum
petr/o: Stone
phac/o: Lens
phag/o: Eat, swallow
phak/o: Lens
phalang/o: Bones of the finger and toes
phall/o: Penis
pharyng/o: Pharynx
phas/o: Speech
phleb/o: Vein
phon/o: Sound, voice
phot/o: Light
phren/o: Diaphragm
phys/o: Growing
pil/o: Hair
pituitar/o: Pituitary gland
plant/o: Sole of the foot
plasm/o: Plasma
pleur/o: Pleura
pne/o: breathing
pneum/o: Lung, air
pneumat/o: Lung
pneumon/o: Lung, air
poikil/o: Varied, irregular
poli/o: Gray matter
polyp/o: Polyp, small growth
pont/o: Pons (structure in the brain)
posth/o: Prepuce, foreskin
preputi/o: Prepuce, foreskin
prim/i: First
proct/o: Rectum
prostat/o: Prostate gland
pseud/o: False
psych/o: Mind
pub/o: Pubis
puerper/o: Childbirth
pulmon/o: Lung
pupill/o: Pupil
py/o: Pus
pyel/o: Renal pelvis
pylor/o: Pylorus, pyloric sphincter
quadr/i: Four
rachi/o: Vertebral spine, vertebral column
radi/o: X-rays, ionizing radiation, radius
radic/o: Nerve root
radicul/o: Nerve root
rect/o: Rectum
ren/o: Kidney
respir/o: Breath, breathing
retin/o: Retina
rhabd/o: Rod-shaped, striated
rhin/o: Nose
rhiz/o: Nerve root
rhytid/o: Wrinkles
sacr/o: Sacrum
salping/o: Uterine tube, fallopian tube
sarc/o: Flesh, connective tissue
scapul/o: Scapula, shoulder blade
scler/o: Hardening
scoli/o: Crooked, curved
scrot/o: Scrotum
seb/o: Sebum
semin/i: Semen
sept/o: Septum
sial/o: Saliva, salivary gland
sigmoid/o: Sigmoid colon
sinus/o: Sinus
somat/o: Body
somn/o: Sleep
son/o: Sound
sperm/o: Sperm, spermatozoon
spermat/o: Sperm, spermatozoon
spin/o: Backbone, spine
spir/o: Breathe, breathing
splen/o: Spleen
spondyl/o: Vertebra, spine, vertebral column
staped/o: Stapes, middle ear
staphyl/o: Grapelike clusters
steat/o: Fat, sebum
stern/o: Sternum, breastbone
stomat/o: Mouth
strept/o: Twisted chains
symptomat/o: Symptom
synovi/o: Synovia
tars/o: Tarsals, ankle bones
tax/o: Coordination
ten/o: Tendon
tend/o: Tendon
tendin/o: Tendon
terat/o: Malformations
test/o: Testis, testicle
testicular/o: Testis, testicle
thalam/o: Thalamus
thec/o: Sheath
therm/o: Heat
thorac/o: Thorax, chest cavity
thromb/o: Clot
thym/o: Thymus gland
thyr/o: Thyroid gland
thyroid/o: Thyroid gland
tibi/o: Tibia, lower leg bone
tom/o: To cut, section, slice
ton/o: Tension, pressure
tonsill/o: Tonsil
tort/i: Twisted position
tox/o: Poison
trache/o: Trachea
trachel/o: Cervix
trich/o: Hair
tympan/o: Middle ear, tympanic membrane
uln/o: Ulna, lower arm bone
ungu/o: Nail
ur/o: Urine, urinary tract
ureter/o: Ureter
urethr/o: Urethra
urin/o: Urine, urinary tract
uvul/o: Uvula
vag/o: Vagus nerve
vagin/o: Vagina
valv/o or valvul/o: Valve
vas/o: Vas deferens, vessel, duct
vascul/o: Vessel
ven/o: Vein
ventricul/o: Ventricle
vertebr/o: Vertebra, spine, vertebral column
vesic/o: Bladder, sac
vesicul/o: Seminal vesicle
vestibul/o: Vestibule
vulv/o: Vulva
xanth/o: Yellow
xer/o: Dryness, dry
Suffix List
-a: NOTE: No meaning, noun ending
-ac: Pertaining to
-ad: Toward
-ade: Process of
-al: Pertaining to
-algesia: Sensitivity to pain
-algia: Pain
-amnios: Amnion, amniotic fluid
-apheresis: Removal, carrying away, withdrawal
-ar: Pertaining to
-ary: Pertaining to
-asthenia: Weakness
-atic: Pertaining to
-ation: being, having, process
-atresia: Occlusion, closure
-blast: Immature cell, embryonic
-cele: Hernia, protrusion
-centesis: Surgical withdrawal of fluid
-cide, -cidal: Kill, destroy
-cision: Processing of cutting
-clasia: Break
-clast: Break
-cleisis: Surgical closure
-cnemius: leg
-coccus: Berry shaped
-collis: Condition of the neck
-cyesis: Pregnancy
-cyte: Cell
-cytosis: Abnormal condition of cells (increase in cells)
-desis: Surgical fixation, fusion
-drome: Run, running together
-dynia: Pain
-e: NOTE: Noun ending, no meaning
-eal: Pertaining to
-ectasis: Stretching out, dilation, expansion
-ectomy: Excision, surgical removal, cutting out
-emia: Condition of blood
-esis: Condition
-ferous: Pertaining to
-gen: Substance that produces/causes, agent that produces/causes
-genesis: Beginning, development, or production
-genic: Producing, originating, causing
-gia: Pain
-globin: Protein
-gram: Record of, radiographic image
-graph: Instrument used to record
-graphy: Process of recording
-ia: Condition of, abnormal state, diseased state
-ian: pertaining to
-iasis: Condition
-iatrist: Specialist, physician
-iatry: Specialty, treatment
-ic: Pertaining to
-ics: knowledge, practice
-ictal: Seizure, attack
-ile: Pertaining to
-ion: Process
-ior: Pertaining to
-is: Noun suffix, no meaning
-ism: State of, condition, theory
-itis: Inflammation
-lepsy: Seizure
-lith: Stone
-logist: Specialist who studies and treats
-logy: Study of
-lysis: Destruction, breakdown, loosening, seperating
-malacia: Softening
-megaly: Enlarged, enlargement
-meter: Instrument used to measure
-metry: Process of measuring
-oid: Resembling
-oma: Tumor, mass
-opia: Vision condition
-opsy: View of, process of viewing, viewing
-or: Person who does or produces; thing that does or produces
-osis: Abnormal condition
-ous: Pertaining to
-paresis: Slight paralysis
-pathy: Disease, abnormality
-penia: Abnormal reduction, decrease, deficiency
-pepsia: Digestion
-pexy: Surgical fixation, suspension
-phage: Eat, swallow
-phagia: Eating, swallowing
-phasia: Speech
-phobia: Abnormal fear, aversion to specific things
-physis: Growth
-plasia: Condition of, formation, development, growth
-plasm: Growth, substance, formation
-plasty: Surgical repair
-plegia: Paralysis
-pnea: Breathing
-poiesis: Formation, production
-praxia: To perform, action
-ptosis: Drooping, sagging, prolapse
-ptysis: Spitting, coughing
-rrhage: Excessive flow
-rrhagia: Rapid flow of blood, excessive bleeding
-rrhaphy: Suturing, repairing, fixation
-rrhea: Discharge, flow
-rrhexis: Rupture or breaking away
-salpinx: Uterine (fallopian) tube
-sarcoma: Malignant tumor
-schisis: Split, fissure
-sclerosis: Hardening
-scope: Instrument used for visualization
-scopic: Visual examination
-scopy: Process of viewing, visual examination
-sis: Condition, state of
-spasm: Sudden, involuntary
-stasis: Stop, stopping, controlling
-stenosis: Constriction, narrowing
-stomy: Creation of an artificial opening
-thorax: Chest, chest cavity
-tion: Process of
-tocia: Birth, labor
-tome: Instrument used to cut
-tomy: Cut into, incision
-tripsy: Crushing
-trophic, -trophy: growth, development
-trophy: Nourishment, development
-um: NOTE: Noun ending, no meaning
-ure: Result of, system
-uria: Urine, urination
-us: NOTE: No meaning, noun ending