Lab #3 : Test a program on MPLAB
In this design project, the students are to copy the program attached and enter it into the MPLAB editor.
1. Build the program to get aHEX file.
2. Download the.HEX file to the development board.
3. Demonstrate that the program runs by looking at the output pin.
4. Produce a technical report as if you were in the industry using template.
5. A conclusion of your results and discussion of anything you found especially interesting
or not expected from your work on this project.
CODE to test
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the length (number of bits) of a PIC16 instruction?
2. What is the length of the PIC18 program counter? How many different program memory locations can be addressed by the PIC16 MCU?
3. How many bits are used to select a data register?
4. What is the access bank? What benefits does the access bank provide?
5. What is an assembler? What is a compiler?
6. What is instruction pipelining? What benefits does it provide?
Below video will guide you on how to create a project and run it on the MPLAB: