
Lab #10 : Temperature Indicator

Objective: Using the development board and a PIC16F18875 microcontroller, build and program a Temperature Indicator that measures temperature using the MCP9701 sensor and indicates the status with LEDs based on specific temperature thresholds.

Performance Specifications

  1. Temperature Measurement:
    • Utilize the MCP9701 sensor to measure temperature.
    • Use the PIC16F18875’s Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) to read the temperature data.
  2. Temperature Comparison:
    • Compare the measured temperature with a reference value of 75°F (23.89°C).
  3. LED Indicators:
    • Use three LEDs to indicate the temperature status:
      • Red LED: Lights up if the temperature is higher than 75°F.
      • Blue LED: Lights up if the temperature is lower than 75°F.
      • Green LED: Lights up if the temperature is exactly 75°F.
    • Note: The LEDs can be the same color if necessary.


  1. Schematic Diagram:
    • Provide a detailed schematic diagram of the circuit, including the connections between the PIC16F18875 microcontroller, MCP9701 sensor, and the LEDs.
    • Ensure all components are labeled clearly.
  2. Circuit Board Pictures:
    • Include high-quality pictures of the assembled circuit board.
    • Ensure the pictures clearly show the connections and components.
  3. Code:
    • Write the assembly code for the Temperature Indicator system.
    • Include comments in the code to explain the functionality of each section.
    • Ensure the code is well-organized and easy to read.
  4. Video Demonstration:
    • Record a full video demonstrating the working Temperature Indicator.
    • The video should show the system measuring temperature and the LEDs indicating the status correctly.
    • Ensure the video is clear and all steps are visible.
  5. ASM File:
    • Upload the assembly (.asm) file containing the code for the Temperature Indicator.

Detailed Steps

  1. Circuit Design:
    • Design the circuit using the MCP9701 sensor connected to the ADC input of the PIC16F18875.
    • Connect the LEDs to the appropriate output pins of the microcontroller.
    • Ensure proper power supply and grounding for all components.
  2. Coding:
    • Initialize the ADC module on the PIC16F18875.
    • Read the analog voltage from the MCP9701 sensor and convert it to a temperature value.
    • Compare the temperature value with the reference value of 75°F.
    • Control the LEDs based on the comparison result.
  3. Testing and Debugging:
    • Test the circuit and code to ensure accurate temperature measurement and LED indication.
    • Debug any issues that arise during testing.
  4. Documentation:
    • Create a detailed schematic diagram of the circuit.
    • Take clear pictures of the assembled circuit board.
    • Write and comment the assembly code.
    • Record a video demonstrating the working system.


  • Schematic Diagram: Upload a PDF or image file of the schematic diagram.
  • Circuit Board Pictures: Upload image files of the circuit board.
  • Code: Include the commented assembly code in a text file or directly within the submission platform.
  • Video: Upload the video file demonstrating the working Temperature Indicator.
  • ASM File: Upload the .asm file containing the code.

External System Analysis

The assignment has been reformulated for clarity and detail, ensuring all steps and requirements are explicitly addressed. The enhancement includes specific tasks for using the MCP9701 sensor, coding, and documentation components related to the Temperature Indicator project.


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