
This appendix provides brief information to support the main content of the module in this course.It includes summaries and key points regarding the 8085 instruction set and the PIC16(L)F18855/75 ADC2 module, along with practical code examples and configuration details.

8085 Instruction Set Overview

The 8085 microprocessor has a rich set of instructions that can be broadly categorized into several types:

  1. Data Transfer Instructions:
    • MOV: Copy data between registers or between a register and memory.
    • MVI: Move immediate data to a register or memory.
    • LDA/STA: Load or store the accumulator from/to memory.
    • LDAX/STAX: Load or store the accumulator using indirect addressing.
  2. Arithmetic Instructions:
    • ADD/ADC: Add register or memory to the accumulator, with or without carry.
    • SUB/SBB: Subtract register or memory from the accumulator, with or without borrow.
    • INR/DCR: Increment or decrement a register or memory.
    • DAD: Add register pair to HL pair.
  3. Logical Instructions:
    • ANA/ORA/XRA: AND, OR, or XOR register or memory with the accumulator.
    • CMA: Complement the accumulator.
    • CMP: Compare register or memory with the accumulator.
  4. Branch Instructions:
    • JMP: Unconditional jump to a specified address.
    • JC/JNC, JZ/JNZ: Conditional jumps based on the status flags.
    • CALL/RET: Call and return from subroutine.
    • RST: Restart from a specific address.
  5. Stack, I/O, and Machine Control Instructions:
    • PUSH/POP: Push or pop data to/from the stack.
    • IN/OUT: Input or output data from/to an I/O port.
    • NOP: No operation.
    • HLT: Halt the processor.

PIC16(L)F18855/75 ADC2 Module Configuration

The ADC2 module in the PIC16(L)F18855/75 microcontroller allows for the conversion of analog input signals to 10-bit binary representations. Key configuration steps include:

  1. Port Configuration:
    • Set the I/O pin as an input by configuring the TRIS register.
    • Configure the pin as an analog input by setting the ANSEL register.
  2. Channel Selection:
    • Use the ADPCH register to select the desired analog input channel.
  3. Voltage Reference Selection:
    • Configure the ADREF register to select the positive and negative voltage references.
  4. Conversion Clock Source:
    • Select the ADC conversion clock source via the ADCLK register and the ADCS bit of the ADCON0 register.
  5. Interrupt Control:
    • Enable ADC interrupts by setting the ADIE bit in the PIE1 register and the PEIE and GIE bits in the INTCON register.
  6. Result Formatting:
    • Choose between left-justified and right-justified formats for the 10-bit conversion result using the ADFRM0 bit of the ADCON0 register.
  7. Starting and Completing a Conversion:
    • Enable the ADC module by setting the ADON bit of the ADCON0 register.
    • Start a conversion by setting the ADGO bit.
    • Upon completion, the ADGO bit is cleared, and the conversion result is stored in the ADRESH:ADRESL registers.

LED Control Example

Button Press Example


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