
Octaviano Gutierrez

My name is Octaviano Gutierrez, and I have been teaching at Big Bend Communtiy College since 2010, in addition to teaching at Wenatchee Valley College from 2013-2022.  When I began teaching, the recommended composition texbook was in the $50+ range, and then when I began to teach literature classes, the cost to each student skyrocketed.  In the interest of not sacrificing quality for accessibility, I turned to some Open Educational Resources (OER) from BCcampus, but when the opportunity arose to create my own OER, I knew what I wanted to do.

Some of the content comes from the BCcampus OER that I had previously used for English 102, but I have added additional stories from some more diverse perspectives, as well as sections on Literary Critical Theory and Fairy Tales that represent materials that I have used or have wanted to use in my classes.

English 102 vs. English 105

While this project began as an English 102 textbook, I also found myself at the time of this creation modifying my English 105 class to be exclusivly OER.  The majority of the fairy tales and some of the literary critical theory comprise the English 105 supplementary materials, but they dovetail with the English 102 content well enough and I did not have enough time to create a separate textbook for 105.

I hope that you find the following stories and content to be as interesting and engaging as I have found them to be!


English 102 Book with English 105 supplemental Copyright © 2023 by Octaviano Gutierrez. All Rights Reserved.