Upali Amaradasa, Contemporary Business Administration Program
On My Path: Upali Amaradasa, Contemporary Business Administration Program
Aspiration being clingy to my path in the life journey
Paving way for four more homefolks
A dad could see them stretching wings seeking their preferred paths leading to the desired nests
A dutiful husband cum a dad having ups and downs with kith & kin
Brought to this great land of opportunity
Winning DV Lottery with Green Card
From a Far East beautiful island named Sri Lanka in the South East Asia.
Past experience came in handy for an admin service position
Yet my aspiration drives for credentials to be professional.
My urge to learn still live though physical vehicle looks aged for others’ eye
My path of struggle harden resilience
Minding the journey of happiness heading towards the goal.
Life is meaningful when I try to live
Finding the purpose and reason
Why I am sent here
That is the end of my journey
Awakening to the stream of nature.