Denis Kariuki Mbuthia, Computer science Program
On My Path: Denis Kariuki Mbuthia, Computer science Program
My path has led me through the African Savannah of Kenya where the war
drums in my heart started to strike; A land where beautiful kids long for their Father,
a wife – her Husband, A Father – his son, Friends – their Ultimate Wingman.
The United States concrete jungles & bright lights beckoned me to join the rat race to chase
the elusive American dream, A land where I lost my wonderful mom forever.
I studied Computer Science
and discovered that we all belong inside a digital village
I worked as an Insurance unit manager
and discovered Leadership by example
Data Analyst
A path of Grief, Pain & Loss, a path of HARD choices; losing hope and finding it again.
Now, my life is here. My goals are clear. My eyes on the prize.
I will not stop until I achieve my dreams.
Tools of my trade:
Mind & Body
Strengths of my spirit:
Indomitable spirit
Hard work
My path is mine alone. Each step forward is mine to take. I will succeed at RTC.
In a world where you can be Anything, don’t forget to be KIND!