
The following changes were made to this book as a whole:

  • Old references were updated with current ones.
  • Images were added and replaced to reflect a diverse and inclusive audience.
  • Supplementary videos were added to some sections.
  • H5P activities/multimedia were inserted into sections to reinforce concepts.
  • The glossary section was expanded to include more vocabulary.
  • Chapters were reordered.

The following additions or changes have been made to these chapters:

Chapter 1

Section 1.1:

    • Updated references replaced previous citations with new current citations and sources
    • Added video and tip boxes

Section 1.2

    • Changed public speaking to communication in models
    • Updated references replaced previous citations with new current citations and sources
    • Added video and definition boxes

Chapter 2

Glossary Terms:

    • Replaced Communication Anxiety (CA) with Public Speaking Anxiety (PSA)
    • Added “Glossophobia” as a term for PSA.

Other Changes:

    • Added references and language from Gary Drevitch’s “Why Are We Scared of Public Speaking?” in Psychology Today as well as Graham D. Bodie’s “A Racing Heart, Rattling Knees, and Ruminative Thoughts: Defining, Explaining, and Treating Public Speaking Anxiety” in Communication Education to update references as well as replace the term “communication anxiety” with the term “public speaking anxiety.” Used the Bodie source to also update references in original Chapter 2 regarding PSA.

Chapter 3

Learning objectives revised.

Section 3.1

    • Replaced picture in the title page and the first paragraph on first amendment.

Section 3.2

    • Replaced picture in the title page.
    • First three paragraphs were added.
    • Subtitles in this section were changed throughout
    • Added first sentence under Audience analysis allows to choose a worthwhile topic section
    • Second paragraph of the same section, a few words were changed.
    • Subsection on clarity moved to the last part of the chapter.
    • Acknowledge the audience part was removed entirely.
    • Exercises were added (from the book elements of public speaking)
    • Citation was added.

Section 3.3

    • Change to 5.3 from 3.2
    • Title page picture was replaced.
    • Table of the three types of audience analysis was added.

Section 3.4

    • Picture was replaced
    • Exercises were added (from Stand Up, Speak Out)

Section 3.5

    • Subtitle changed.
    • Section on clarity was moved to this part from previous sections.
    • Exercises added from stand up speak out book.

Chapter 4

Section 4.1

    • Importance of listening was replaced.

Section 4.2

    • First paragraph, last line “hearing is also an innate ability…” sentence was added.
    • Figure 4.1 (the table hearing vs. listening) replaced with a table because additional category “innate skill vs. learned skill” was added.
    • Two sentences within the second paragraph was added “we do not always…accumulated experiences”
    • Benefits of listening section changed
      • You become a better student section: first and last sentences added.
      • You can be a better friend subtitle changed to you can build strong personal relationships. This entire section was newly written.
      • You can build a successful career—also new added section.
      • You can become a better public speaker—changed subtitle
    • References added.
    • Exercise section added.

Chapter 5

Examples added and updated. Fixed grammar issues.

Chapter 6

Glossary Terms: Replaced “Academic Books” with “Scholarly Sources,” and “Generalizability” with “Representative Sample.” Added “Summary,” “Databases,” “Keywords,” “World Wide Web,” “Peer-Reviewed Sources,” “Topic Sentences,” “Headings,” “Subheadings,” “Journals,” “Popular Sources,” “CRAAP Method,” and “Drive-by Quoting” Removed “Project Life Cycle” “Textbooks,” “Backtracking,” “Theory,” “Facts,” and “Style.”

Changed the title of 6.1 from “Librarians Are Our Friends” to “Beginning the Research Process: Ask a Librarian.”

Section 6.1

    • Removed the lengthy list of anonymous advice from reference librarians—much of the advice had a negative tone to it, and the more useful information was fairly obvious so I felt comfortable just paraphrasing it. Some of the advice consisted of the same things I and the reference librarians tell to my students every semester.
    • Broke 6.1 down into two segments: Ask a Librarian and Creating a Research Log. It makes more sense to tell students about making a research log before taking them on the journey of how to conduct research and explaining different sources.

Section 6.3

    • Removed speech preparation time since this is discussed at length in other chapters of the book. Chapter 6 is about research only. Removed everything under the heading “Books” because nothing actually described what a book is. Replaced with a shorter description of books. Added newsgathering organizations to Newspapers and Blogs.
    • Removed Table 8.1 “Search Engines” because much of the information was obsolete. Added information about how to search for information on the internet and determine if it is written by a credible source. Added the segment “Reading Scholarly Sources.”
    • Deleted Table 8.2 Scholarly Information on the Web because everything in it is obsolete. Students would be better served visiting with a research librarian to assist with research if they aren’t sure about what databases to use. Deleted “Computerized Databases” because this information is also obsolete. Deleted “Scholarly Information on the Web” because that segment did not contain adequate information to help students navigate the web. Deleted “Tips for Finding Information Sources” because it is obsolete. Removed textbooks from the category of Scholarly Books. Deleted “Search Your Library’s Computers” since this information is already covered in the segments explaining why students should first consult with a research librarian. The searching information in the deleted segment was too vague to be helpful, and students are better off asking a research librarian for help learning how to search databases, since their interfaces change from year to year, as well as the selections available.
    • Removed the six questions for evaluating sources and replaced it with the CRAAP Method.

Section 6.4

    • Link to Purdue OWL Citation Chart added.

Chapter 7

All sections have information that was revised, added, and expanded.

Chapter 8

All sections have added examples; expanded the information.

Chapter 9

Section 9.1

    • Removed (5-8 minutes, generally, for classroom speeches) from paragraph 1 because it can set up false expectations. Let the instructor set expectations for time limits.
    • Paragraph 2—changed Bob to Bobby to add more diversity. I also changed pronouns.

Section 9.2

    • Old sentence: (5-8 minutes, generally, for classroom speeches)
    • New: For the purposes of your public speaking class, you will likely not be allowed to read your speech. Instead, you will be assigned to give an extemporaneous presentation
    • Old sentence: The disadvantage of extemporaneous speaking is that in some cases it does not allow for the verbal and the nonverbal preparation that are almost always required for a good speech.
    • New: The primary disadvantage of extemporaneous speaking is that it sometimes does not allow for the coordination of verbal and nonverbal preparation that is almost always required for a successful speech.
    • Words removed: seven-minute
    • Memorized changed to memorization

Section 9.3

    • Old: By the way, this piece of furniture is often mistakenly called a podium, which is a raised platform or stage.
    • New: Sometimes this piece of furniture is mistakenly called a podium, which is a raised platform or stage.

Section 9.4

    • Sometime to sometimes
    • Sentence added: Additionally, one should be equally prepared for the event in which a lectern is missing or unavailable in the room in which the speech will be given. Flexible speakers are able to communicate their priorities with or without a lectern.

Section 9.5

    • 5-7 minutes changed to several 
    • Becoming to become
    • Sometime to sometimes
    • My just to just my

Chapter 10

Section 10.1

    • Added example text to the sections on credibility and attention getting
    • Added video

Section 10.2

    • Added the section on putting it together
    • Added video and picture

Chapter 11

All sections were edited for clarity, and examples were updated.

Chapter 12

General updates to all sections for clarity.

Chapter 13

Deleted key terms box.

Section 13.1

    • First sentence deleted
    • Added subtitle: informative speech is not a persuasive speech and added the first sentence under that title. Revised some parts in that section (added/deleted a few words)
    • Another subtitle added: why informative speech is important

Section 13.2

    • Revised the first two sentences (added/deleted a few words)
    • “Places” section was revised, a few sentences deleted and some words replaced.
    • First sentence under “Ideas” was revised.
    • Type 4: Ideas and concepts—second sentence revised.

Section 13.3

    • Section title changed.
    • Combined Section 13.3 and 13.4 because there was a major overlap on how speakers should be specific in speech topic and not too broad as they prepare the speech.
    • First subtitle changed. This entire section under this first subtitle was revised, parts were deleted, added, parts from the original 14.4 section were moved here.
    • “Keep in mind audience diversity” – some grammatical errors corrected, added last sentence.
    • Video clip on tips for topic selection added.

Deleted 13.4+13.5 sections.

Section 13.4

    • New title
    • This section (Sample informative speech) was originally numbered as 14.1 so renumbered.
    • Major revisions to this outline—reorganized outline to sections, renumbered them, etc.
    • Need to figure out indentation for main points, subpoints to be consistent (could not edit it for some reason)
    • Second outline sample deleted
    • Speech video (Tedtalk) link added.

Chapter 14

All sections were edited for clarity, and examples were updated.

Chapter 15

Section 15.2

    • Added sample speeches
    • Edited wording to clarify or update

Section 15.5

    • Edited outline to clarify

Chapter 16

Chapter was added and revised from Speak Out, Call In: Public Speaking as Advocacy


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It’s About Them: Public Speaking in the 21st Century Copyright © 2022 by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.