
Section 1: SFCC Welcome and Goals

Welcome to Spokane Falls Community College!

We’re certain that as a new member of SFCC’s academic team, you’ll be pleased to discover the innovative programs and professional opportunities that await you on your new campus home. This handbook is designed to help you get started and engaged in your teaching duties. You’ll soon learn that we at SFCC pride ourselves on offering our students quality education and services and are committed to putting our students first— that’s why we’re here.

Spokane Falls Community College offers students:

  • A large liberal arts/transfer program (approximately 62.7% of the total enrollment)
  • State-of-the-art professional/technical programs (21.4%)
  • Other (15.9%)

The Goal of this Handbook

This handbook is designed primarily for newly hired academic employees. Whether part-time or full- time, it might also be a handy reference source for faculty who’ve been with us for a while. Much of what is included here is located on the SFCC Website and the SFCC Intranet. We collected the most important parts and some other useful tidbits to help you make the transition into your new position at SFCC.

We hope we have developed a handbook that will answer many of your questions. Since we can’t address all your questions and concerns, we encourage you to contact your assigned faculty mentor, chair, or dean for additional information as needed.

Plus, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for making this a more useful handbook in the future. Please email Jessica Hoppe, Director, Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning, with your comments (jessica.hoppe@sfcc.spokane.edu).

Our Mission, Vision, and Values


To provide all students an excellent education that transforms their lives and expands their opportunities.


Providing the best community college experience in the Northwest.


Students First: Students are the center of our work. We make decisions and plan for a future that best meets their educational needs and goals.

Equity:  Access to high quality education in a safe and inclusive environment is the right of all individuals. We work toward establishing equity for all and endeavor to support each student so they may be successful.

Access:  We open doors, striving to remove barriers and provide support so that all of our students have access to the quality education they deserve.

Excellence:  We seek excellence in all we do, providing our students with an inclusive, world-class education in their community, one that provides equity and resources for a stable future.

Integrity:  We build partnerships with trust and work from a place of integrity, honoring and respecting the students and employees who are part of CCS. We listen and communicate openly and with respect.

Leadership:  We build lasting community partnerships to inspire innovation, build the local economy and create student career pathways. We continually adapt to meet changing community needs.

Responsiveness:  Our education meets the community’s needs. We quickly adapt and improve our programs and curriculum to ensure our students get a competitive education and our community gets talented employees.

Stewardship:  We cultivate and respect the resources that make our work possible. We encourage every member of CCS to honor those resources by using them to advance our mission.


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SFCC Faculty Handbook Copyright © 2023 by Community Colleges of Spokane is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.