
Section 3: Faculty Responsibilities, Freedoms, and Opportunities

(Includes information for Part-Time, Annualized, and Full-time.)

Faculty Responsibilities

According to the Master Contract (Section 4):

A. Annually contracted academic employees (AEes) are expected to be on campus, at a center, or at other off-campus work locations, engaged in professional responsibilities an average of thirty-five (35) hours per week. Professional responsibilities within the thirty-five (35) hour week include, but are not limited to:

      1. Meets or makes arrangements for all scheduled class/worksite hours and creates and instructional/classroom environment that promotes student learning.
      2. Provides reasonable availability to students and responds to students in a manner appropriate to meet student needs (i.e. office hours, e-mail).
      3. Participates regularly in district, college, division (where reasonable notice has been given) or general AEe meetings; in-service training; curriculum development; academic consulting; workshops or seminars (including preparation time). For AEes with 100% online workload, see Article 5, Section 3, Paragraph J.
      4. Shares in the responsibility to serve on CCS/college/division/department councils, committees or task forces; or other activities. For AEes with 100% online workload, see Article 5, Sections 3, Paragraph J.
      5. Attends departmental meetings where reasonable notice has been given. For AEes with 100% online workload, see Article 5, Section 3, Paragraph J.
      6. Abides by district non-discrimination policies and is willing to make reasonable accommodations where necessary to give students with disabilities full access to academic programs/services.
      7. Engages in instructional/non-instructional professional responsibilities an average of 35 hours per week.
      8. Non-instructional days shall include at least the same number of hours on campus, at a center, or at other authorized off-campus work locations, as would be required on an instructional day.
      9. Follows established written procedures that have been clearly communicated.
      10. Remains generally aware of and complies with state and federal laws applicable to professional duties.
      11. Exercises effective stewardship of college assets/equipment as appropriate.
      12. AEes giving grades are responsible for communicating expectations, establishing clear grading criteria, and, when appropriate, providing feedback through instructional means.

B. Students shall be provided a comprehensive syllabus within the first week of the quarter. Prepare for and instruct, through traditional classroom and distance education modes, all scheduled class hours. Cancellation of scheduled classes requires dean or chair notification.

Training Requirements for Adjunct AEes

During the first quarter in which an adjunct AEe is assigned to six (6) credits or more, that AEe will be notified to complete two training modules. Adjunct AEes who are required to complete trainings may select any two trainings approved for AEes. Completion shall occur prior to the next quarter or subsequent contracts will not be issued. Upon completion of two training modules, the adjunct AEe will be compensated $50. Payment is limited to once per academic year. This training is optional for all other AEes. Annually contacted AEes assigned a moonlight contract per Article 4, Section 5, Paragraph C are not required to complete the program and are ineligible for compensation under this program.

More information about the training requirements for adjunct AEes can be found in the Master Contract (Article 24, Section 10)

Students with Disabilities or Health Conditions

If a student self-identifies as having a disability or health condition that may require accommodations in order to fully participate in your class, please refer the student to the DAS office, either by dropping by the Disability Access Services Office in Gateway Building 30, Room 104 or by calling the DAS Office, (509) 533-4166, to arrange for an appointment.

Please know that information about a student’s disability or health condition will be regarded as confidential. For more information, contact Disability Support Services Office, (509) 533-4166.

Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect

Community Colleges of Spokane (CCS), committed to the health and safety of its faculty, staff and students, shall maintain a safe and efficient workplace that complies with all local, state and federal safety and health regulations, programmatic standards, and with any special safety concerns identified at the unit level. Every person in the organization is assigned responsibility for both individual and organizational safety.

Further, CCS, aware of its obligations as an institution of higher education and steward of the public trust, will ensure that suspected instances of child abuse and/or neglect occurring or becoming known within our institution are reported to the appropriate authorities, in compliance with federal, state and local laws and statutes. This procedure provides guidance and direction related to the reporting of suspected child abuse and/or neglect. 

Faculty Freedoms 

CCS subscribes to the academic freedom portion of the 1940 “Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure” issued by the American Association of University Professors, the Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, AHE, NEA, and other professional groups. The full text for this academic freedom section can be found on Page 11, Article 3, Section 1 of the Master Contract.

The Master Contract also states that faculty may:

      1. Instruct courses in related disciplines based upon individual qualifications and expertise.
      2. Supervise paraprofessional employees or direct the work of assigned work-study students.
      3. Advise student clubs or associations.
      4. Any other duty within the department that is rotational, optional, or might be assigned in the future.

Political Causes/Issues

The right to academic freedom herein established shall include the right to support or oppose political causes and issues, except when acting as a representative of CCS, participating in a CCS-sanctioned event, or serving within their official capacity as an employee of CCS.

Textbooks and/or Other Instructional Material

Within the scope of academic freedom, AEes have exclusive rights in choosing textbooks and/or other instructional material for use in their classes. They should exercise due regard for students’ costs, departmental practices, and administrative procedures. Departments/programs may need to oversee textbook selections for classes without assigned AEes.

Library Selections

Libraries seek to provide books and other materials presenting all points of view concerning the problems and issues of our times. No library materials shall be proscribed or removed from, nor required to be present in, libraries for partisan or doctrinal reasons.

Classroom Presentation and Discussion

As a vital component of academic freedom, AEes shall be solely responsible for decisions regarding the methods and materials used for the instruction of students. Accordingly, AEes shall be guaranteed full freedom in classroom presentations and discussions and may introduce issues that have economic, political, scientific, or social significance, or otherwise controversial material relevant to course content.

Alteration of Grades

Grades given to a student by an AEe shall be final and not subject to alteration unless fraud, bad faith, incompetency, or mistake can be shown on the part of said AEe. No student’s final grade or evaluation shall be changed without consultation with and the permission of the student’s AEe, except with specified administrative procedures.

Internet Usage

Academic freedom guarantees equitable access to the marketplace of ideas via any medium. No special limitations, beyond accepted standards of professional responsibility and CCS’s Acceptable Use Policies, shall be placed upon the academic use of email or the Internet.

Personal Life

The personal life of an AEe is not an appropriate element of evaluation or disciplinary action unless it prevents the AEe from performing their duties. However, communicating with students, particularly those currently enrolled in the AEe’s classes, via social media and electronic means may render any and all such communications public for purposes of student complaints or other administrative actions.


AEes shall not be censored or restrained in the performance of their teaching functions solely on the grounds that the material discussed and/or opinions expressed are distasteful or embarrassing to the college administration or to the college’s public relations.

Monitoring and Observation of AEes

All monitoring or observation of the work performance of an AEe shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the AEe. No one, including students (per WAC 132Q-30-236, as summarized), shall use eavesdropping, public address, or any temporary or permanent surveillance devices to record, videotape, or otherwise capture instruction, delivered in a classroom or online, without permission of the AEe. Furthermore, CCS will discourage the unauthorized reproduction, rebroadcasting or remixing of any instructional materials AEes employ in their classes.

Academic Employee Evaluation

CCS and AHE recognize that the ability of students to progress and mature academically is a combined result of school, home, economic and social environments and that the AEe alone cannot be held accountable for aspects of the academic achievement of the student in the classroom.

CCS will support an AEe in their exercise of academic freedom. The AEe’s method of presentation shall be determined by the AEe. While utilizing the established materials and programs, they may supplement so as to enrich the educational opportunities for the student, taking into consideration respect for the dignity and uniqueness of other people. 

Faculty Opportunities

Salary Step Advancement/Training Requirements (Article 19, Section 5.A)

An AEe may advance on the salary schedule (in addition to any “banked” step movements earned under prior contract requirements) as defined below: 

AEes may advance one (1) salary step every two years, provided the AEe:

      1. Completes one CCS training program from Paragraph A-1, one training program from Paragraph A-2, one training program From Paragraph A-3, and one training program from Paragraph A-4 below, and
      2. Submits, by June 30 of each year, an annual summary of their professional development activities (see Paragraph B below).

A. CCS Training Programs: During each salary step advancement period, the AEe is expected to complete and receive credit for one training program from 1, one training program from 2, one training program from 3, and one training program from 4 below:

      1. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)/Washington State Ethics Law
      2. AEe Instructional/Service Development
      3. CCS Safety and Security Practices
      4. One additional CCS training program of the AEe’s choosing.

B. DEI training: During each salary step advancement period (or every two years), the AEe is expected to complete and receive credit for two trainings from the 4 units below:

      1. Diversity
      2. Equity
      3. Inclusion
      4. Anti-Racism

Once online training is completed, the certificate must be sent to HRTrain@ccs.spokane.edu for credit.

In person trainings will be recorded automatically. Completing two initial trainings will earn a placard and two trainings in the same category will earn a badge.

Note: If the academic employee is also a supervisor, then the employee must meet management/supervisory certification requirements. Certification may also count for salary movement.

More information about salary step advancement can be found in the Master Contract (Section 5)

Committee Opportunities 

Opportunities abound for you to get involved in committee work at SFCC. Full-time faculty are asked to serve on a minimum of two committees. Part-time faculty are not obligated to do committee work, but their involvement is welcomed when personally desired. Speak to the chair of your department, your dean, or your faculty mentor about the committees that interest you most and how to get on board.

A complete list of committees is listed on SFCC’s Intranet (under the Committee tab at top of page)


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