
Angular Diameter Accuracy

Alternate Format: Written Instructions

  1. Open https://in-the-sky.org/ephemeris.php, your Observation Report, and these instructions. Keep them open you’ll switch between them.
  2. On the tab with In-The-Sky, uncheck all the boxes except “Show phase” and “Show angular size”.
  3. Choose the planet you’re examining from the Object dropdown box.
  4. Choose UTC from the Timezone dropdown box.
  5. Choose  the start date that matches when you image was taken.
  6. Set Interval to “hour” and Rows to “25”.
  7. Click Update.
  8. Read the true angular diameter in arcsec [“Ang. Diam (“)] for the time your image was taken.
  9. Record that in the Angular Diameter Accuracy table in your Skynet 1-2 Observation Report.
  10. Copy the Measured Angular Diameter from your measurements in the last section.
    • Your settings will look like this:
    • Settings for in-the-sky ephemeris

Media Attributions

  • In-the-sky ephemeris settings


Skynet and Afterglow User Manual - Astro 100 - Enevoldsen Copyright © by Alice Enevoldsen. All Rights Reserved.