Check Image Quality within Skynet

Check the quality of your images.

  • In Skynet, click on the name of a completed observation.
  • Click on the “image” icon under “Status” on the page that comes up. This will open the image in your browser.
  • Check it against the examples below.
  • Re-observe any images that are of poor quality.

Images can be of poor quality for many reasons:

Due to clouds blocking all of the light:

Images that show donuts and stripes

(When this occurs, all that remains to be seen is the response pattern of the CCD and out-of-focus dust on the camera window.)

Due to clouds blocking some of the light (left vs. right):

Image that shows donuts and glare on the left.

Due to wind or mount misbehavior distorting or streaking the images:

Bright stars show as small streaks

Due to mount misbehavior off-centering the images:

Bright object is on the left corner

Due to the mount not tracking Earth’s rotation:

Streaking and hashtag appearance

Due to focus misbehavior:

Every star is a small U-shape

Due to the camera shutter sticking:

Images have streaks or a wobbly edge

Due to proximity to the moon or someone leaving a light on at the telescope:

Glowing streaks radiate from a dark area.

Due to a satellite moving through that part of the sky during the exposure:

A single bright line traverses the image.

Due to an airplane moving through that part of the sky during the exposure:

A double bright line traverses the image.

And even due to a bug sitting on the camera window!

The silhouette of a bug is visible.

Alternate Format: Video Instructions

Media Attributions

  • lab1_proc_a_04
  • lab1_proc_a_05
  • lab1_proc_a_06
  • lab1_proc_a_07
  • lab1_proc_a_22
  • lab1_proc_a_08
  • lab1_proc_a_09-alt
  • lab1_proc_a_10
  • lab1_proc_a_11
  • lab1_proc_a_24
  • lab1_proc_a_12


Skynet and Afterglow User Manual - Astro 100 - Enevoldsen Copyright © by Alice Enevoldsen. All Rights Reserved.

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