Note: use a mouse instead of a trackpad or touchscreen to limit frustration while using Afterglow. 

Click “Next” above to see the step-by-step instructions.

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Alternate Format: Written Instructions

  1. Return to the graphing website:
  2. Click on “Periodogram”
    • find the tallest peak, and record the x value (the period) that corresponds with that location in your assignment.
    • Where to read the x value.
  3. Click on “Period Folding”
    • Deselect “Show Two Periods
    • Set “Period (days)” to the value you recorded from the periodogram in the previous step. This is how fast the variable star is pulsing.
    • Adjust the period slightly up and down until the data points make a fairly smooth line.
    • Where to find the settings for period-folding.
  4. Give your graph a title and label the axes.
    • We’re plotting magnitude (vertical axis) versus period-folded time (horizontal axis).
  5. Save and upload this graph to the assignment.
  6. Record the highest and lowest magnitudes from your period-folded graph on the assignment.
    • Where to find the peak and trough.
    • Where to find the brightest and dimmest magnitudes.
  7. Complete the calculations in the assignment.

Alternate Format: New Tool


Skynet and Afterglow User Manual - Astro 100 - Enevoldsen Copyright © by Alice Enevoldsen. All Rights Reserved.

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